Steriods causing rage and anger - Kidney Transplant

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Steriods causing rage and anger

kaiti824 profile image
15 Replies

Hello, I'm new here. My husband had a transplant 2 1/2 months ago in September. His Transplant team has him on steroids as part of the anti rejection meds. He is doing well with exception to his mood swings. He is angry often. Goes into rages and flies off the handle at the smallest things. We have talked with his doctor who says there isnt much they can do. Yet this cant be uncommon and there has to be something that they can do to help alleviate the mood and anger swings. The doctor seems to have a well just deal with it attitude. Is there anything that anyone else is doing that has been helpful to them.

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kaiti824 profile image
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15 Replies
Stexx profile image

Hi unfortunately quick temper is a very common side affect of steroid, especially for people who aren’t used to them. I’ve had a kidney problem since childhood, and am now in my 50’s, so can usually control and manage them. Much of the problem is being aware, and controlling your own anger issues. It is difficult, and does get better with both time, and doseage; generally after transplant they reduce steroid quite quickly, and after a few months they’re usually down to about 5mg each day. This is a low dose, and is much easier to control.

WYOAnne profile image
WYOAnneNKF Ambassador

What dose is his steroids now? They should be reducing his dose since he is 2 1/2 months out. The side effects are so much easier when you are only on 5 mg.

Ask his doctor's too about reducing the dose.

Donaldson0007 profile image

I had the same issue with these drugs, but I am also allergic to steroids and learned this the hard way. I was removed from them and have never taken them again. I'm 4 yrs post and take only prograf and mycophenolate. Talk to other Drs and pros. No Dr should be treating this as "just deal with it, nothing we can do."

Congratulations and best wishes.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Donaldson0007

What kind of allergic reaction do you get with steroid?

Donaldson0007 profile image
Donaldson0007 in reply to LisaSnow

Itching, hives, swelling, vomiting etc.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to Donaldson0007

I am very glad two meds regiment works well for you!

Donaldson0007 profile image
Donaldson0007 in reply to LisaSnow

Thank you. Me too.

Gardner-NY profile image

HI kaiti824, I can relate to what you wrote very very well. My spouse had his transplant a year ago/1 wk to be exact and when he had a low grade rejection at month #2, he was in the hosp 5.5 days on IV steroids and still on high level steroids coming home for months. About month 6 he went on 10 mg of prednisone (lower than 40) and now is on 5 mg for a while now. The anger/mood issues and steroids for my husband also happened. Irritable over minor issues and nothing I did was right though I was and still do most of everything needed to run a household and do outside snow removal too (new to me). Things in his mood improved a lot with lower steroids but the biggest culprit of the bad moods in my opinion of tracking this for years was low hemoglobin number below 10 each month for a very long time. That number is now 13 or 14 and superb and his moods are great. HE is more awake , engaged to talk to me, and is now goofy with our pets. Before, nope. For years before transplant as his GFR went down every year, his hemoglobin was also going down and I am not positive of the numbers of that 'yet', but I have been working on finding a correlation of mood issues and low hemoglobin. I knew about steroids. Hang in there is all I can say. Is it easy, nope. I do not cope well with living with a moody person despite me telling myself "why" he acts this way. A good reason, but that only goes so far. I hope you already see a counselor. If not, you may find that useful. I am now reading 'caregiver' books to help myself with all sorts of things. I hope this helps. It just takes 'time' for improvements to happen. I bet he feels badly when he flies off the handle. I Hope so anyway. My husband did not act like he did. Never a "I am sorry."

stephanie904 profile image
stephanie904 in reply to Gardner-NY

Great reply.

stephanie904 profile image

Hi Kaiti824,

I am the one who had the transplant 4 yrs ago. The 1st few months are the roughest with the moodswings & anger.

When it 1st happened to me in the 1st week that I was home, I could feel myself loosing control & realizing it, but I couldn't help myself.

I'm down to the 5mg dose that I'll take the rest of my life & they aren't near as bad. The longer you're on the 5mg, the better he'll get.

I was on depression medicine before surgery & I told my PCP about the severe moodswings & he tweaked my meds & we got approval from the transplant team before I took it too.

He took me off one & put me on a diff one that I only take at bedtime. It really helped. I still take that same depression medicine today.

Our bodies are suck quirky machines & sometimes the chemical make-up just needs tweaked.

See if his transplant team & his PCP might want to try this route. I won't mention the drug, because everyone reacts differently to different meds.

Good luck with your husband.

I know it's a rough road.

Take care.

AndrewT profile image

Dear kaiti284,

First of all a 'Simple' answer, to a, 'Simple' question....YES Steroids CAN- and often do- cause 'Mood Swings' (sometimes very rapidly) and, normally ONLY Verbally, aggressive behaviour.

To answer in a Bit more detail....The Drugs, that we ALL take- not just steroids- have a Major effect on our Bodies. They are Suppressing the Immune System, the Mechanism by which, the Body defends itself. Basically put there are, often quite severe, Side Effects and Anger/ Frustration and having a short 'Fuse' are a few of them. Others include Muscle, and Joint, Pains, Visual Disturbances, Dizziness, Hearing Disturbances, Tummy Troubles- yes that IS 'why' he was in the Toilet ALL that time! Changes is Taste/ Smell/ Feeling and, although this might NOT be a Problem these days, changes in the way the Body SMELLS. Hair, Nails, Skin, Sexual Prowess (sorry), Body Hair...….To name but a FEW Possible, of these Side Effects. This is quite apart, from the continuing Pain/ Discomfort, from the Surgery itself of course.

All that said, NOT everyone, gets 'Everything' but, let's be clear on this, the Poor Man is Suffering- more that, even HE, is aware of. You can take MY WORD that sudden anger can, and does, 'Strike' over the Stupidest Things....maybe a Cold cup of tea, maybe a Shirt in the wrong place, maybe even The TV on the wrong Channel. Yes 'Instant Anger', irrational, intense, extremely powerful and....OVER in three minutes! One Minute 'You Silly Bitch, You Know That I Take TWO Sugars', the next 'What's wrong, my Darling- kissing you- let me get you a cup of tea....Oh poor Baby- wiping away your tears' Is this Ringing some Bells...ALL OF THEM? Thought so!

I'm certain that, your Hubby, DOSEN'T remember the 'Terrible Names', that he calls you

- at those times.....What was it a 'F...king B...h, a C..t' even? That's ABSOLUTELY NOT your, very Loving, Husband talking...THAT is Drug Side Effects. Hubby is, the one, who wipes away those tears, asks 'What's Wrong Darling?' He Honestly Doesn't Know WHY, you are, so upset. 'Why SO Many Tears My Love', 'What has upset you so'? If Pressed he will say, something like,...'I'm Sorry IF I Caused You ANY Offence Baby', without comprehending, or indeed, knowing what he said. I know that this IS, very difficult, to understand- from your point of view!

With TIME, love, patience (in spades) he WILL slowly start to gain, at least some, control and will, again very slowly, start to be Aware of what he is doing/ saying. IT WILL take time, LOTS of it but, and let's be absolutely clear on this, your Husband Loves You....More that he can say- particularly at the moment. You can take MY WORD, for ALL of this. I had a Transplant over Twenty-Two years ago so I DO know what I'm talking about (sorry That sounds, rather Smug/ Conceited, I didn't mean that). As I said above Time, Patience, love and...Did I mention TIME...are the way forward. The love IS still just might, and probably will, take some 'Finding'.

For myself I send, you BOTH, my Love and wishes for a Merry Christmas.


stephanie904 profile image
stephanie904 in reply to AndrewT

Awesome reply.

You hit the nail on the head with all of the side effects.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to AndrewT

How does med change how body smells??

AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to LisaSnow

Dear Lisa,

To answer, your question, Natural Body Odour is something that, we seek, to change, ALL the time. Just look at ALL those Sprays.....

Oral Medication- Drugs into yourself through your mouth, Drugs that 'Alter' your Bodies Mechanisms, Do just THAT! Your Body's Metabolism IS Altered- and so are The Chemicals released by it.

I'll admit that, this 'effect' CAN vary from person, to person, so 'some people' will be affected far more, than others.

As regards, your Husband's behaviour, maybe that person who 'Bumped' his foot....Actually Hurt him- more than you were aware of. I remember a 'revolving door' 'catching' MY foot once.... It didn't QUITE draw blood! Couple this with him still being, how can I put this, 'Tenter Hooks' and perhaps, his reaction, wasn't 'that' extreme. I any case I think that it's Very Bad, of a store, to eject someone for a few 'Sharp Words' (assuming that's all it was).

Hopefully, these 'Things', will, over time, become less frequent. My thoughts are with, you both.


kaiti824 profile image

Thank you all for your response. Husbands rage seems off the rails. Kicked out of store for making a scene because someone bumped his foot. He says at times he is having flashbacks on old memories and seems stuck there. Have spoken to doctor he said there is nothing that can be done... yet this extreme reaction I would think is not uncommon on high doses of the steroids with some

Am at a loss, I miss my love my friend.

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