My husband is 15 months out from his transplant. All other numbers look normal, but his creatinine jumped from 1.4 to 1.8. He has no symptoms of rejection. His usual range is 1.4-1.5. They are making him do labs again in three days. They keep saying it’s possibly hydration, but his specific gravity test was normal. We’re trying to be positive but he’s frustrated because he’s been doing so well. For those whose creatinine fluctuates, how often does that happen for you? Should we be worried about such a big jump?
Creatinine Increase : My husband is 1... - Kidney Transplant
Creatinine Increase

Due consulting with ur Nephrologist and asked about DLA test which will confirm about treatment and if needs change medicine. As I had live transplant receiver and my another colliege facing same issue and our Nephrologist suggested above test.
Hi Sugabear,
I have always been told by my nephrologist that fluctuations in lab results can be caused by many factor. And it is good to have repeat tests to validate sets of results so the proper actions can be taken.
1. What have you done in the last 1-2 months that could affect results.
- missed meds sked
- took meds less than 2 hrs before or after
- was on vacation, stressful activities, lack exercise, etc
- dehydration, vigorous activities etc
2. Lab results can also be affected by lack or too much meds. That is why he adjusted my meds until lab results became predictable.
3. Told me not to compare lab results with norms or normal person. I am not anymore, with the kidney trsnaplant.
4. Many more that are not life threatening.
So, wait for everything to be in place in totality - and a holistic approach can me be put in place.
Good luck, take care, enjoy the best of your life with your hubby, and hope this helps
Hello Sugabear, hopefully the next set of tests will show that things aren’t as bad as he fears. 15 months is still relatively early on so things will be changing for lots of different reasons. I recently had a small rise in creatinine levels due to dehydration (spotted by my consultant) and that was after 21 years … and I still worried until my next tests showed an improvement!
Just to show you how much results can go up & down in the early days & over the years I’ve attached my creatinine levels chart since I was transplanted in the UK in 2002. It’s not a straight line.
Take care and listen to the doctors.
Thanks you so much for sharing. Really valued data. Do you maybe also have BUN?
Results for Urea Nitrogen, again, vary over time. Hope that helps.
Thanks really appreciate. Need to relax my wife. She had transplant 3 month ago. We are in weekly blood test. You can imagine every small increase is a drama. Than the week after small down is a party. This will help me to show her by example that trend is much more relevant than small single snapshot. Again Thanks!!
happeneed to me was ATN. Drink more
Mine did that over the first 8 months too. I had a stomach bug. Did not feel bad just stomach issues but was dehydrated. Made my numbers go up and had a biopsy ultrasound, and Doppler. All came back normal. They say my range is 1.4-1.7. At the time I was 1.8.
It has been 16 months post transplant I am at 1.28 last blood draw and released to a regular neurologist. Chin up it is a roller coaster ride.

Those first couple of years post transplant are challenging! I had 3 biopsies of my transplant those first 2 years. Thank God I never had a rejection episode. My EVERYTHING your transplant doctors tell you to do. But also realize that this does happen - your creatinine does jump around. I am now 23+ years post transplant with a creatinine that has settled down to 0.9-1.1. I thank God everyday and my donor, my hero!
Keep us posted. Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way!!!
I am 18 months out with the almost exact change in creatinine. So far the tests are negative and I am trying to hydrate more. I think that I may be drinking my water too quickly, so I am trying to spread it out more. I get up to go to the bathroom 4 to 5 times a night so I had cut back on my fluids, although I was still drinking more than recommended.
If my creatinine doesn’t get better, next step is a biopsy. WYOAnne and Porter20, how was the biopsy?
Good luck sugabear!
Thank you! Have you seen a decrease at all? I’m glad everything is negative. How much water are you drinking? Are you doing anything else that may increase your levels, like a high protein diet or heavy exercise?
I haven’t repeated my labs yet. I drink 32 oz of water 3x/day, plus 12 oz of decaf and about 8 oz of skim milk. I had been trying a high protein diet after reading an article that said that seniors should increase their protein intake to prevent the muscle loss seen with aging. I had cut back prior to this, though, and am cutting back again. My wife thinks that I exercise too much, but I don’t! 😉 I do 30 minutes of calisthenics 3x/week, plus I walk on a treadmill for an hour on those days and an hour and 1/2 on the other days.
Thanks to everyone for your words of support and advice. His creatinine went down to 1.6, which is still slightly elevated from his baseline, but they are not as concerned since it is trending downward. He has increased his water intake a bit. We’ve traveled quite a bit over the past couple of weeks and when we travel, it’s harder to stay hydrated. I’m also encouraging him to eat less protein. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Could very well be dehydrated. I was just in the hospital for 4 days because of this. I was at a 2.4 on creatinine and it went down to 1.4 in 3 days with them giving me an IV. So it is very possible. I am 34 years out and am bad about fluid intake. I think its psychological from remembering being on dialysis and remembering them chew on you not to drink alot of fluids. I just ordered me a 40 oz swig mug to help me try to get fluids in. Also i started ozempic 2 months ago and i think that played a part too. It says in the instructions to be sure to drink plenty of fluid while taking it.
We may have found the culprit! My husband started taking Ozempic two months ago as well. Since then, he’s had fluctuations in his creatinine. We also have those 40 oz mugs, so he’s increased his drinking to three a day instead of two. Thanks for the insight!