Has anyone had anxiety about getting a fistula on an arm? What did you do about it? I use a chest catheter and I'm fine with that until I get a kidney transplant.
Fistulas: Has anyone had anxiety about... - Kidney Dialysis
First, the chest catheter is a high risk item. It connects direct to your heart valve and is never intended for long term. My husband, 78 years, had his fistula put in when he got his PD catheter done. It is a weird feeling and every medical person wants a chance to listen to the blood flow through it but other than that, he has had no problems. It does stop you from having your blood pressure taken in that arm (very important) and you would then limit the amount of weight you pick up with that one arm, but the benefits outweigh the issues. As primary caregiver, I did extensive research for him before he made the decision to get the fistula. I would recommend it since your transplant could be years away.
I had anxiety about getting my fistula. I got my fistula 5 months ago. The surgery wasn’t bad and by my 6-week post-op appointment it was pretty much all healed. Although it does take about 3 months or more before it is ready to use. You should not use the arm with the fistula for blood pressure readings or have any needle sticks or IV’s in that arm. Also you cannot sleep on that arm. Do not wear tight clothing over the fistula. Don’t lift more than 10 pounds with that arm until your doctor tells you it’s okay. You should listen for the bruit and feel the thrill every day. I am not on dialysis yet, so I haven’t had to use it yet. I don’t even notice it is there at this point. As someone else said, a chest catheter should only be used temporarily. They are much more prone to infection since they sit directly in your heart.
yes, I did. I’d had a permacath but after a number of infections including 2 bouts of sepsis I had to accept having a fistula. It really is a safer , better method for dialysis.
yes I had anxiety in September I got one and it didn’t work . So I’m scheduled now for a graft this month . I’m like you th chest port working fine but doctor want out due to more chance of infection . I been really good about covering it up when I take a bath . My center told me I have the cleanest one in the center . I have anxiety cause what if the graft doesn’t work . They do vein mapping to see the best place to put the fistula my didn’t work cause where my veins spilt for the blood flow but doctor wanted to try fistula before a graft cause that is better for you but fistula doesn’t always work plus I have very small veins
My fistula never worked either so now I have a graft and it works very well. Once I had the chest catheter out and healed I took the best shower ever. Nothing really to be anxious about as long as you have a good surgeon it's a piece of cake.
Thanks Horsie I just pray it works . How are you ? I feel a lot better on hemo then pd . I know both of our pd journey was not great . Hope you are feeling a lot better .
I've been doing great now on hemo for close to 6 months. Got my labs and they are all great except my hemoglobin dropped to 7.9. I think it might be the blood thinner which is causing all sorts of bleeding when they take the needles out. I get to stop taking it Feb 9th and then I can work on getting back active on the list.
How have you been doing? I don't see Ron posting anymore.
I email Ron awhile ago he was ok his father passed he was taking care of all that stuff
I have another echo probably in Feb or March we will see if my ejection fraction back up
My husband was in hospital now at a nursing home in rehab he can’t walk or stand yet finally using his right hand today to eat he couldn’t do that a few days ago counting every little blessings
I had one put in but having trouble with it they are having to go back in my arm. I pray it works this time.