Beta Blockers such as Carvedilol - Kidney Dialysis

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Beta Blockers such as Carvedilol

KidneyKitty11 profile image
4 Replies

I've been on medication for basically my entire life, and for the most part I've never had an issue but I recently started dialysis again, and I was put on all these blood pressure medications. I've been experiencing hair loss. One of them, Carvedilol, is a beta blocker. I researched it and apparently beta blockers can cause hair loss but my doctor, he said I was ridiculous for believing that one of the side effects was hair loss. Four websites said beta blockers caused hair loss. I'm a teenage girl. What teenager wants to be accidentally pulling her hair out in clumps? I don't. It honestly scares me. I can handle a lot but this is beyond what I thought I'd have to go through.

Has anyone ever experienced hair loss from a beta blocker? Or hair thinning or anything like it?

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KidneyKitty11 profile image
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4 Replies
horsie63 profile image

I've been taking Carvedilol for close to 10 years now and haven't had hair loss or thinning from it. I recently started peritoneal dialysis and my hair has seemed to be lot more fine and thin but it's been that way my whole life. I just cut my hair short so it looks better.

What other meds are you taking? The combo or one of them could be the cause. Or perhaps the dialysis. Can you ask your nurse. It could also be stress from all of this and it'll eventually calm down. You can ask to take biotin to see if that helps.

drmind profile image

How awful that he said you were ridiculous for being concerned about hair loss. And, how unconcerned he was about how this could be effecting you. Hair loss like other symptoms should be addressed by your medical team. You should ask him that if carvedilol is not doing it, then what is? You have a right to ask. He has a duty to help you find out. Can you go to another member of your medical team and ask them for help? Stay strong and continue to advocate for yourself. Hair loss is a an important issue. Best of luck. Please let us know how things turn out.

Darlenia profile image

Hi KidneyKitty11. So very sorry to hear about your hair loss. While I can't contribute to the reason or reasons for your hair loss, I'd simply like to say that hair loss is always very hard to face. I truly hope you can find why it's happening. My daughter, too, experienced hair loss (clumps falling out, hairline moving back, eyebrows vanishing, etc.) while in college. Her situation turned out to be autoimmune - alopecia areata. This was heartbreaking - right when everyone was young and looking their best, she struggled with her appearance. While in a city, she walked past a hair loss clinic, popped in on a whim, and was diagnosed within minutes - this, after seeing specialist after specialist - dermatologists, endocrinologists, etc. It was a shock, and then it all made sense. Although I very much doubt this is your situation since you have a lot of underlying issues, visiting a good hair loss clinic might offer you a diagnosis and options too - that's really the thing I'd like to say. Over time, my daughter chose to address her problem with hair fiber products which are very useful in thickening and covering her thin hair. They're easily found on Amazon and available in all price ranges. They do a lot to bring back self esteem. Sending you lots of encouragement to find answers and solutions, There is hope! Hugs!

LeesKees_NJ profile image


A male Dr, of course...

He lost me when he said you're being ridiculous. No Dr. would EVER have the chance to say that to me again. There are a lot of Drs out there. You need to find one you are completely comfortable being able to say anything to without the fear of being ridiculed. You will have to see the Dr a lot, do not put yourself through this on top of everything else.

I recently spoke to my Dr about an alarming amount of hair loss which randomly seemed to come out of no where. He said I could take a biotin and a zinc supplement. My hair immediately stopped falling out, just not sure which one actually stopped it or if it is the combination of the two.

Good luck and don't let anyone tell you are being ridiculous. What's ridiculous is how they think it was okay to say that to you.

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