I haven't been on in a while since I was denied a 3rd transplant in January. All was very positive but the surgeon DID NOT WANT TO WAIST A KIDNEY if they couldn't find a place to put it or the new meds would be too harsh for me. I have been severely depressed. I've been sick all my life so living with a transplant is my norm not living on dialysis. I will be 57 on Feb 11th & don't know how I should feel. I want my independence back but living on disability is very hard. I need to move & want another car but that is not going to happen anytime soon. I've been called strong, brave, charismatic, selfless because I like to help people & if I make someone happy then I am happy. I wish people would stop thinking I'm strong. That's allπͺ I hate me & my life right nowππ
Why do we cramp after dialysis & how come ... - Kidney Dialysis
Why do we cramp after dialysis & how come Drs want to suck out every ounce of fluid in the body especially what is needed in our bones

Awww, sweetie, it takes time for some. I've been on dialysis what will be my 2nd year in April. I am on peritoneal. There are times when I'm depressed. But I try not to let it get to me. I'm not going to say it's easy. Somedays it is. But you honestly can't let it get to you. Do you go to church? I have my church family as well as family. I had a stint put in recently, so for now, I, too, am off the transplant list, for now. My motto is, IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!!! Idon't drive, but I always manage to get out and about.
You pull off so much water. It is rediculous, you may cramp like crazy, I know from experience. The added bonus is you have to almost stuff yourself putting water back in and I call it a diet. I use to be big, but it actually became my Jenny Craig. Where I once was a 24, I'm not in a 14. The sad part is I didn't know I was that big until I saw the picture. Now, I said all that o tell you, don't hate you life, especially don't hate you. Everything will work out. You just make sure that you do what you are supposed to do. That's you job. A very important one.
As for the car, don't worry about getting one. GOD will make a way, but HE always has something HE needs you to do. Moving, if you're moving to a smaller house, do that. It's always better to to tackle on mountain at a time.
GOD bless you sweetie. Take care of your self.........
Thank you so much LadyLuv. I have been on dialysis only for 3 and a half months, but having problems with depression and wanting to quit. I go to church, and have many friends praying for me, that helps. But I need to gain faith tht God is always with me and providing my best good. I will be on peritoneal dialysis soon and pray that helps me to look on the brighter side again. I do help others at my dialysis center and that brings joy to them and me.
Don't be discouraged!!!! GOD has not left your side. Keep trusting HIM!!! I've been on dialysis for 3 years, going on 4 and I too get depressed too. But not GOD!!!!!
You will have days like that. I get them too. But then I remember something........I'm still here!!!!!!

Hello. So let me start by saying ,I'm sorry that this is how u are feeling. I understand depression, agrevation, irritation, thoughts of just wanting to give up and call it quits. I didn't feel pretty all the time, like I was a burden to my family. Everybody telling me I look good but on the inside I was feeling "ugh". But prayer, believing in myself, staying positive, being and giving encouraging/encouragement, and standing on faith was some of the things that help me out. We all have a little strength in us. U can get back to life, u just have to push for it. I live disability, but I also got a part-time job to kind of help me to just get back out, socializing, feeling worthy again. I only work 4 hours a day, but it works for me. It helps me. I pray ur strength in the Lord and peace of mind, and that u find great encouragement within this group and message. Take care.

Oh and to speak on a couple of other things...I was denied twice by 2 hospitals one with no real reason and one because they told me they didn't know where to attach one, so they didn't want to take a chance on me. I was on dialysis 8 years and I finally got a kidney December 2017. But I want u and need u to value ur life, tell yourself that this is just a moment in time and this to shall pass. I don't know how spiritual u are, but always know God is with u and remember, the test u are going through, ur testimony helps other that is going through something possibly just like u. Stay strong, dear, it's all possible.
Wonderful words of wisdom, Tameka! How are you doing? I'm hoping hanging tough. I had flu last week and treatment just about killed me! Feeling better today but as I'm writing I'm at dialysis so I'll be wiped out again. My oh my kidney disease does wreak havoc on your life! Be good!!!!!
I'M sorry to hear u had the flu, cause I had it and it was rough and then it turned into a cold in which im dealing with right now, so I been sick since Jan 10th, so my doc are watching close so nothing happens to the kidney. I really hope u get better sooner than later.
I understand the cramping ask if there has been a change to your dry weight. The Dr are restricting fluid so you don't over work your heart they are trying to balance you and once you begin to understand your dry weight and stay within the guides of a liter to 1.5 a day you can feel well and be healthier. Don't give up hope you have a purpose and can help others with knowledge as you have had a transplant and can answer questions others have like me. There are many questions I have been waiting and missed opportunity for a transplant but don't have any idea about the prescriptions after transplant,side affects, insurance. Hope you feel better soon and try to do something fun on your two days away from treatment going to the park always brightens my day.