Anybody here have IGA NEPHROPATHY
IGA nephropathy : Anybody here have IGA... - Kidney Disease
IGA nephropathy

Yes I do
Thanks for you reply have a good day ahead How is ur egfr right now,good?
Have protein in urine or blood
And one more question,frequently have fever and cough because of iga
I have blood and protein in my urine. My R U Alb/creat is 92.5mg (supposed to be under 3.5). My eGFR is 66. I am on Atorvastatin 10mg, Candesarten 8mg and the Nethrologist wants me to go on Farixiga or Daplagliflozen 10mg. I haven’t noticed more frequent fever or cough. Is that a symptom? How about you?
Ya always have cough and fever all the time and mostly in morning when wakeup after sleep got frequent cough,have also in urine when 1st ly diagnosed iga on 2016 I have protenuria and haematuria in urine Then after few years after my urine was very good no blood and protein,I keep my egfr in rang 60 to 70 and then now this year I have found my left kidney have cyst about 4.50cm on January 10 I'm going for MRI test for kidney cyst,not able to do contrast due to my egfr now low at 44,creatinine 139 and uric acid 430
I think kidney cyst giving pressure to my kidney,that's y egfr going decrease very fast ,actually on March I'm still in egfr level 60
Hopefully everything going in good after remove my cyst
I do and live with it since 1986. I just entered the end stage with catheter installed for dialysis.
Sorry about that keep strong 💪 How u manage ur egfr level past over nearly 40 years with iga
Basically I keep up a healthy lifestyle with frequent swimming. My doctor prescribes medication to maintain normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels with diet restriction as other ckd patients. Other than that, I encountered a Chinese herbal doctor who also had proper western medical training in Taiwan and later studied pharmacy in US. I am talking about thirty years ago. At that time he researched in extracting herbal medicine using scientific approaches. I began taking his formulation for preserving kidney function since 1994.
I have lived with iga nephropathy for over 5 years. I am 50 years old now. My eGFR was 29 when I was diagnosed. Now it is up to 34 with diet and medications. Taking tarpeyo, farxiga, filspari, vitamin d, fish oil. Vitamin e, rosuvastatin. I haven’t had any fever or cough. I had high protein in urine but it has gone down substantially once I started on treatment and medications. Found out about iga from biopsy in kidney.
I have had IGA since my late 20's and am now 52 and in dyalasis. I didn't know the cause of my kidney disease for a long time though. I am currently active on a transplant list as well.