For those with IGA, may be interested in this study I came across going gluten free.
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I have FSGS, but trying to go gluten free just in case it might help with my proteinuria.
For those with IGA, may be interested in this study I came across going gluten free.
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I have FSGS, but trying to go gluten free just in case it might help with my proteinuria.
Wow, very interesting. It is getting to the point that no matter what you eat, its affecting something. I cannot imagine myself restricting what I eat anymore.... but might be worth the try..
Can you imagine that we all go thru this and learn a simple diet change could have prevented it!
Diets are such a fad and so dangerous. I have been "dieting" my whole life because I am a person of size. And because of poor diet, lack of proper nutrition over the years, my metabolism is messed up. The first time I saw the renal dietician, she said I was not eating enough. But by that time, any increase in calories put on weight. Even stupid WW had some really stupid concepts. One was to drink a glass a milk (I can't remember if it was with every meal or one meal) or their "eat all the veggies you want." I gained 3 pounds on that one in less than three months. However, following sage advice from a season renal dietician and becoming very self-educated on kidney friendly has really benefitted me.
But diet cannot alone prevent CKD and diet will not always stop the decline. There are too many factors involved. But for some, it is lifesaving.