Diabetic Nephropathy: Well, I visited the... - Kidney Disease

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Diabetic Nephropathy

17 Replies

Well, I visited the nephrologist again yesterday and the good news is that based on my last lab values he doesn't believe a kidney biopsy is necessary. He seems firmly convinced that what caused my slide into CKD is diabetic nephropathy.

He seems pretty satisfied that I'm doing everything I can to this point to slow it down and the only thing he did was cut one of my meds (allopurinol) in half. He feels that the smaller dosage will be sufficient to arrest the kidney stone development with the diet and exercise I'm doing and it would make it easier on my kidneys than the full amount. I don't think that will be the end of the story as I still want to run it past my PCP in 2 weeks, but for now, I'll make the change and then see where I am at the end of the month.

To my friends/family in Florida, please ignore what I'm going to say. The weather has finally become truly Autumn-like. Cooler temps with a blue sky and a nice breeze. It's great bike weather and I added another 2 miles to my touring today. My grandkids in Florida complained this morning that it's raining now and supposed to rain most of the week. I just laughed. They'll call me in February and tell me about their great weather when I come in from shoveling my driveway.

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17 Replies
Zazzel profile image

Great update! Sounds like good news. Thanks for keeping us posted.

orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador

That is good news for you. Releives some stress.

Yes has been rainy and humid in Florida. Will not say anything when snowy up north.

in reply to orangecity41

I appreciate that OC41 but my grandsons will as soon as they hear we had snow in Arkansas.

Bet117 profile image
Bet117NKF Ambassador in reply to orangecity41

Nor will I!

My highest blood sugar "spike" was a 97 and that was 3 years ago. I was on 3 different meds at one time and slowly went off 1 of them, then 2 and just this past June all were stopped. I control it through diet and exercise. I'll look into the diet you suggested but my thoughts right now are "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."

When I saw that forum I thought of joining it but declined as I didn't have the severe issues others seemed to be talking about and thought it might not come off well if I posted there in my current situation. I will give it another look and maybe do a bit of lurking.

Bet117 profile image
Bet117NKF Ambassador


Glad to hear no biopsy needed. See what happens with the medication change. I have positive thoughts abd feelings

Walking keeps everything moving, I do the same. What do you typically eat?

I am not diabetic, but I am mindful as my brother is a severe insulin diabetic. Since Mom passed last year, I am his only family and learning more and more about the sugar drops etc. than ever before.

As far as the leaves turning, it is fast and furious here, too. Our sky and day was clear and beautiful here today as well.

Last night and early this AM it was 35 here. My plants did survive.. Fall is in the air!

My caption to my cousins in Florida when I send them snow pix..." Having a wonderful time, be glad you're not here!" so I get you.

Feel good and let us know what your PCP says...


Last A1C was 5.3. My next one is next week.

Dear Dr. Champak045,

I have been diabetic for almost 18 years (Jan. of 2000). I struggled for almost 12 years to get numbers under control. Everything, including meds, diet, and lifestyle were not effective. Finally, a doctor found the right balance of meds, and with my lifestyle changes, I was able to begin making the changes to lower the number. The fact that I now have them under control and don't spike much is due to the fact that I don't go off my routine. So when 7 different PCP's over the years tell me that I'm diabetic, I believe them.

Adding to that is hypertension. While I have been able to lower that to the "normal" range with the help of just one medication now, I also had to make changes that helped me keep it under control. Those changes include diet, exercise, lifestyle, and stressors. Stress is the hardest one to control because stress can come from good events as well as bad. When I found out I had CKD that added some stress to my life I could have done without. I was able to it back under control by learning as much as I could about CKD and once I was able to do that my stress level went down and so did my blood pressure.

About 12 years ago I found out that I was losing the central vision in my left eye. Eventually, I had to have a series of shots in the left eye to drop medicine on the scar tissue. That treatment was successful even though I have lost my central vision in that eye. Another result of Type 2 Diabetes. In trying to prevent the other eye from the same fate, I take two AREDS 2 pills each day. So far I have excellent vision in my right eye.

Finally, in the last two years, I was able to lose 130 pounds by more changes to diet and lifestyle while making sure not to spike either my diabetes or blood pressure. When I found out I had CKD I had to switch my diet to kidney-friendly meals and since then (four months) I've managed to lose just four pounds. Oh well. I don't give up, I'll keep trying.

Life has become a balancing act of CKD, Diabetes, Hypertension, AMD, Weight Loss, Family and Friends, and up until a few years ago, Work. I still travel around the USA, read (I did have to switch from books to an e-reader), write, bike, walk and go fishing.

So, in closing, I do have Diabetes, Hypertension, CKD, AMD and I'm working my best to maintain the balance needed to outlive my grandkids (my youngest grandson will 1 on Dec. 28th).

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador in reply to

Your story is similar in ways to my own. Diagnosed diabetic in 1999 and due to issues with oral meds went on insulin. At that time my A1C was 13.0 My follow-up A1C was 4.5. Stayed on insulin until 2005. Was on lowest dosage of insulin and still having debilitating low sugars. Between 2002 and 2005 I lost 150 lbs through diet and exercise. Insulin was discontinued and maintained the diabetes completely through diet and exercise. I also began dialysis in 2002. A1C's were steady between 5-6 until 2014 when I landed in hospital due to sugars at 800. Back on insulin (2 types). My latest A1C was 6.3. I do have a lot of bone issues and neuropathy in feet. Multiple compression fractures from neck to lower back plus scoliosis due to bone loss. I've had multiple issues in the last 2 years that has severely limited my mobility but trying to get back to walking etc. I need a treadmill or stationary bike but finances prevent this. I still have another 50-60 lbs to lose but certain I can. Dialysis is tough, but I am tougher. Almost 16 years on dialysis proves this. Blessings

in reply to KidneyCoach

I understand exactly where you are coming from. Stay strong and keep positive. Have you checked your local hospital about a rehab gym? If they have one you may be able to use their treadmill or stationary bike. Just a thought.

KidneyCoach profile image
KidneyCoachNKF Ambassador in reply to

I have checked and they don't have one. But I am thinking of joining the 24 Fitness place and they only charge $10/month no contracts and I can go anytime as often as I want. Thank you & Blessings to ya.

in reply to KidneyCoach

I use the local senior center when the weather keeps me off of my bike. Something I also do when I finish exercising is to keep a time log of how long I bike, work a specific machine and how long I use it or how far I go, row, or walk. It helps pass the time if I don't have anything to look at except the blank wall.

Bet117 profile image
Bet117NKF Ambassador in reply to

Talk to the people..what I do when I get to a bike or treadmill! Lol

Bet117 profile image
Bet117NKF Ambassador in reply to KidneyCoach

Keep up the good work and stay strong! It is a process!

Many prayers go out to you!

hazel-hearty profile image

I am happy that you ride your bike. CKD does not limit one; it is an aggravation functioning at 15% but with a lite limiting high protein, potassium, phorphorus, and no added sodium and processed foods works well. Along keeping BP at an appropriate level with Yoga and mediation. Have a beautiful day enjoying the autumn colors.

in reply to hazel-hearty

I just rode 7 miles on my bike this morning. I've got to get a better seat or stop riding up to the lake. It's a gravel road and each trip it seems like the potholes get bigger. It's supposed to rain this entire weekend so I thought I'd get some extra miles in during the week while the weather is good.

My protein intake is limited to 8 oz. each day and maybe once or twice a month I may include red meat but most of that is chicken, pork, fish or shrimp. My phosphorus, potassium, calcium, chloride, and sodium are all where they need to be within the "normal" range. I'm off all processed foods at this time. The only item I miss is the aged cheese. I used to do a bit of bread and cheese from time to time as an evening meal but that had to stop. Another of life's disappointments.

Bet117 profile image
Bet117NKF Ambassador

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful news!

Always in your corner!

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