I am 76 years old and still not on a deceased kidney list. I have a team at Penn Med, and the team wants me to undergo some tasks. I am receiving Hepatitis B vaccination and have had two in the series. I had a Bactrim sulfa drug challenge and did not experience anaphylaxis reaction. I am striving to undergo a colonoscopy, but the gastroenterology office is now part of a large hospital system. That system is creating obstacles in setting up an appointment for the procedure. My doctor's office requested that I get a date and time, but, after 3 weeks nothing was done. My contact person will contact her supervisor to expediate this. I am undergoing this complexity because the anesthesiologist will only do the procedure at the hospital because I am on dialysis. And I undergo dialysis for 4 hours 3 days a week, which also limits the days I can have the colonoscopy. I find this very frustrating.
The dialysis seems to be working in getting my numbers within normal limits, such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, protein, etc. I need a erythropoietin agent to help with anemia. I find I feel very tired after I return home and usually have to nap.