My mom who is 95 and has dementia has over the past month shown a loss of appetite and is extremely weak, but appears content with no pain.
Blood test today showed:
Creatinine level at 1.7. Prior levels this year: April - 0.9, June - 0.8 and Sept - 0.8.
GFR is now at 29.7 (stage 4). Prior level this year: April - 62, June - 71 and Sept - 70.8 (stage 2).
I'm surprised at how fast these numbers have spiked/declined respectively.
Home Care NP offered two options: Hospital with a 50/50 chance of treatment or hospice care.
My sibling feels we should do hospice care for various valid reasons. I know she does have stones from previous abdominal x-rays. Last one in April showed no sign of blockage.
Personally torn between the two options. Thank you for reading. Just needed to share.