Hello. I'm new here. I am concerned because last year, I had a cyst on my kidney Pole. I also had a cyst on my ovary. I had ovarian surgery and never went back to have these kidney pole checked. For the last 7 days I have had terrible foot cramps. Also my CBC shows low sodium. Thank you.
Foot cramps due to low sodium levels? - Kidney Disease
Foot cramps due to low sodium levels?

Low salt is only one of the many things that can cause cramping. First, make sure you are hydrated. That 64-72 ounce of water a day unless your doctor wants more or less. Check for high and low potassium, magnesium and even phosphorous can make you cramp. Have you doctor run more labs if these values are not on the current lab. Nothing worse than cramping.
Thank you for your reply. I was beginning to think I was drinking too much water after reading on the internet. I drink 64 Oz a day because I have diabetes. I stay thirsty all the time. I did send a message to my primary care doctor through a portal and the nurse answered back saying to drink an ounce of tonic water. I had CBC blood work done in September and everything was normal and my cholesterol had even lowered, except for the low sodium.

There are several things that can cause foot cramps. I get horrible foot and ankle cramps when I am dehydrated. For me my potassium and magnesium are low from me being dehydrated
My son-in-law, who does not have CKD, drank too much water a couple years back when he had the flu and he was having cramping.
Have your doctor run your labs and see where you stand? What is your BUN? Potassium? Magnesium? and phosphorus.? My BUN will show me right away whether I am dehydrated or if something else.