Has anyone tried medicines from Kidney coach or kidney solutions for CKD. They have products like tea and Kidney Advance and Kidney Prime. Do they work? Or is it fake. The medicines are very expensive. Please advise.
Kidney Coach / kidney solution: Has anyone... - Kidney Disease
Kidney Coach / kidney solution
I think you already know what the answer is. NO.... they do not and cannot cure kidney disease. They may help with symptoms for a while or not at all. There is a reason why they are so expensive. It is because they are snake oil. The only thing that really helps CKD is diet and healthy living. And even that will not cure, but only slow the progression. See and renal dietician or nutritionist.
Please don't take unregulated supplements for your CKD, a lot of them contain things we can't have. And a lot of these supplements literally legally say "not meant to cure or treat any diseases" on them...because they are supplements and it's illegal to claim otherwise. They can be sued or taken off the market if they make such claims.
The bottom line is that unregulated substances aren't checked to make sure they contain what they say they contain. They're often made in factories in Mexico etc . This is very dangerous for a kidney patient.
Don't waste your money! If these supplements really worked everyone with CKD would be taking them. Once your kidneys are damaged, it cannot be reversed. With proper kidney diet, exercise, proper hydration, etc. you can stabilize or slow the progression of CKD.