My transplant coordinator msgd me on MyChart to tell me that my case goes before the next selection committee to submit to UNOS! I'm taking it with a grain of salt, because EVERY decision has a flip side, but this is the right direction.
In the meantime, dialysis is going fair to middlein'. Apparently, there's an issue with venous pressures and clotting in the machine. One session recently, I was three flushes in before they took me off early. No biggie, as I was on a maintenance run. They never need to draw off fluid because I still produce urine. They want to avoid raising the heparin amounts during dialysis, and I'm in total agreement with that. And now, my nephrologist wants to send me to the vascular clinic for CT of the vein downstream of my fistula. I've already had two fistulagrams, for those of us keeping score.
More as time goes on....