I had a ultrasound of both arms and passed for a fistula but was told by the surgeon it could take up to 3 hours on anesthesia. I thought it was just numbing the area; how wrong was I! According to the surgeon, if one area isn't good he goes to another part of the arm until he finds a good vein and artery to attach. Any pointers on getting through this operation from anyone who has had a fistula placed! I am sort of freaking out right now on best way to prepare before, during, and after.
I will be going to a facility for dialysis 3 or 4 days a week and heard that as time goes on it is better for the patient to put the needle in their own arm instead of the people at the facility doing it. And to be putting the needle in the same hold each time so it will look like the hold in a lady's ear where she puts her earrings. This supposedly will be less pain for the person. Again, any info anyone has out there to put my mind at rest or more explanation on any of the above would be welcomed.
This site is a blessing because people like me can let out their frustrations and hopefully in the process, get info that will help them in the long run. God bless you all and for me, prayer is one of my closest allies. Signed jdapja