In the case of indigestion or heartburn what you take for relief when you have stage 3 CKD. I was told not to take Tums, or antacids.
substitute for tums: In the case of... - Kidney Disease
substitute for tums

That is a question for your doctor. Tums can build up in your body if you have a low GFR. Occasional use may not be bad. I know people who eat Tums like candy. When my phosphorous was rising, my neph told me to take Tums. I stopped it and went to a binder. I am not sure what meds you are on, but antacides can react with certain drugs. That is why you need to ask your doctor.
Better off not taking any medications for it.For relief you could try fennel tea or an apple
I have very bad acid reflux and have had to come off my PPI and I really struggle every day. And night!! My nephrologist told me to take Gaviscon four times a day. After each meal and just before bed. Tricky managing my medications around it so it depends what you’re on which is why you should talk to your doctor. You could also check with your pharmacist maybe. Elevate the head of your bed. Also avoid the foods that cause the reflux

Always best to ask your nephrologist. We are all different and he knows the meds that you are on now.
Sometimes peppermint tea or mint has been helpful. Gaviscon was always my go to before a change in numbers. I will consult with my nephrologist as suggested. Thank you