my egfr dropped from 56 to 51 on my last draw,im showing high cholesterol and ldl even tho my diet is the same...veggies and poultry.i cant seem to tolerate eggs anymore and almond milk has me on the bathroom several times a day.anyone else run into this?
kidneys: my egfr dropped from 56 to 51 on my... - Kidney Disease

I love my almond creamer and it does not bother me. A drop of 4 points can just be a picture of the day. I would not let it get to you. You could have been dehydrated or the lab was a different temp. I had labs drawn on the same day. In the am, the lab was 6.3 for my potassium. Of course that was drastically high so I went to ER and they redrew it and it was 4.7.
its not getting to me,the constant bathroom drinking water to my fluid limits but im almost afraid to eat,it leaves as soon at it gets there if you get me
thanks orangecity.ive never heard of that but im gonna write it down
Hope your issue with diarrhea resolves. Like Bassetmommer and OrangeCity respond, could be the dehydration and/or what you've recently eaten.My Nephrologist has appt's available open for unexpected patient issues, so it's better if you can get in sooner🙏.
Hope things get better...
I once had a blood draw for two doctors simultaneously. From the one blood draw they accidentally ran two GFR’s. One was in the high 30s, the other in the low 30s. This is from the exact same vials of blood, I asked my nephrologist how that could happen. He said that’s no big deal, you just look at the long-term movement of your numbers.
wow ive never run into that before.thats actually kinda cool info ....