Hi everyone, need some advice and reassurance if possible after being told I have CKD. A new GP took over at my surgery and as he was about to prescribe me some tablets he happened to say “Oh you can’t have them because of your CKD”. ????? First I had heard of it. Anyway I met with him last week and he started off happy that I was no longer pre diabetic and my cholesterol had gone down…. But my kidney blood test wasn’t good. He drew a straight line to explain my results and after a blood test several months ago the line started to go down and after my most recent test the line went right down? Then he said he was sending me for an ultrasound scan to see what the problem could be. He mentioned the urethra and a possibility of the tubes being damaged? I know I’m not offering any concrete results here but suffering from anxiety all I think is A death sentence! I should add I had a mild HA 5 years ago and keep reading how the two are connected? Anything you could say would be greatly appreciated although I know you have little to go on in my post. Thanks all 😀 He also said my meds were not to blame but I have read to the contrary?
Help and advice : Hi everyone, need some... - Kidney Disease
Help and advice

Good morning Calm2. Please try not to worry too much at this stage. I know it comes as a shock to be told. But did the doctor mention an Egfr number to you. The lower your Egfr the worse your kidney disease is. Then depending on your health you will have the option hopefully of kidney transplant or Dialysis. The main thing to help yourself is a plant based diet. Keep your weight down and Exercise if at all possible. If you are on Facebook there's a very helpful friendly group run by Andrea called. Chronic kidney disease uk. You will get plenty of information and support there. Good luck. Brian
Hi Calm2We're both the same age, living in the UK
I was diagnosed stage 3a/3b nearly 2 years ago
I follow a low salt diet but no referrals to consultants yet
You need to either access your test results yourself, or ring the surgery to speak to your gp to find out which stage of ckd you are.
This will make a big difference to how to approach it.
Ask also what is your egfr.
Hope this helps
Thank you for your reply. Wow you have a lot going on. Thank you for sharing .
Hi Calm2. I was diagnosed with CKD about 3 years ago, and it was the last straw in my endeavor to keep on the same unhealthy diet. So I gave up sugar first, which made a huge difference. Great job, no longer being pre-diabetic and lowering your cholesterol. Anyway, the point is I'm a lot healthier now, and my kidney function is consistently better. So, it all depends on what is causing your kidney function to go down. Don't take ibuprofen, go plant based if possible, drink plenty of water, let the docs figure it out. Let us know! With any luck you won't have to worry about it in future, just get some healthy kidney habits going. Of course there are people on this forum who do have more serious kidney disease, and they are doing well also, and don't seem to feel under a death sentence.