Hello everyone I am new to this site and angry that I have never had any advice from My Doctors.
In 2009 I was diagnosed with stage 3 CKD but not told about it until 3 years ago my new Doctor picked this up and I have yearly bloods and he just said we will keep an eye on things , no dietry advice etc. or how I could help keep myself healthy.
So , at the end of April I had some blood done and was recalled for another blood test, middle of May had that done and was again recalled whilst on holiday I go on Monday to see whats the matter, things must have changed.
I am 70 , I have been amazed by some of the information I have now found about kidney disease and diets and cant understand why patients are’nt sent to see a dietician straightaway.
hope this isnt to long 😀but there is much more I want to tell you but will leave it there fir now