Hello, I’m 62 year old female, stage 3b CKD, gfr was 34 in june. My hair seems to have suddenly got much thinner. About 10 years ago i noticed massive change in hair texture post menopause but i’m wondering if this new stage could be related to the ckd? Is there any treatment for it as it’s becoming quote noticeable ! Thanks in advance
Hair thinning: Hello, I’m 62 year old female... - Kidney Disease
Hair thinning

I was 22 when I started dialysis and I had an extensive amount of hair loss. I’m now 6 years post transplant and I’m still struggling with hair thinning. I’ve been taking biotin lately and it seems to help a bit. Just be careful if you have thyroid issues. I think biotin messes with thyroid levels

There can be so many causes to hair thinning, especially age. The best thing to do is speak to your doctor and be tested for alopecia. Then check your medications.
Definitely check your medications. When I was first diagnosed I was put on Losartan and a large dose of steroids. My hair thinned so much, I was embarrassed to go out. I look back at photos I took during that period and still cry. I tried every supplement going. Collagen powder, rosemary and peppermint oil. Even organic castor oil. Nothing helped. Then I started getting crippling knee and foot pain. I told my consultant but he wasn't interested. I then stopped taking the Losartan. Changed to another medication. With-in a week my knee pain was gone. My hair started to grow back months later. I will never touch Losartan again. Another thing to check is haemoglobin levels etc. It wasn't until I was put on dialysis , that they discovered my levels were so low, they thought I might have to have a blood transfusion. I was not impressed as they had been "monitoring" my bloods every fortnight . I really hope this is of some help to you. My heart goes out to anyone dealing with this. I found it a very difficult and upsetting time xx
Oh and ask for your levels. They will probably say they are fine. However your ferritin levels have to be at a certain level for hair growth. Do your own research regarding your results. It was around this time I realised I couldn't rely on what my consultant told me and researched and googled EVERYTHING!!
Ziggydoodah, I stopped Losartan for other reasons, but lost weight trying to eat strict plant-based diet. Hemoglobin & ferritin were abnormal (low). Ferritin now better, hemoglobin still low, but wbc's low since Nov. '22. Have gained back 8 lbs, which didn't think possible for CKD patient? Anyway, hope you're well and prayers to all for better health during these holidays 🙏
Experiencing change in texture & thinning too. I'm stage II, lost weight too fast since changing diet. 67 y.o. I read malnutrition & protein deficit can cause hair loss. Tried eating enough calories/protein for my weight. Hair loss slightly better, but not as thick or straight as before. Ah, what to do when the diet is so restrictive? The best I can is all...
Is it safe for kidneys?
I guess it depends on the cause of your CKD. I started loosing hair due to my post transplant antirejection meds. My dr. said I cannot have biotin because it has protein, and excess of protrein is one of the reasons I got CKD. She recommended that I use Minoxidil. It takes a while for it to work. So, I also bought myself a hair topper that matches my hair closely. I am happy with it.