amlodipine and swelling: I’m at stage 5 ckd... - Kidney Disease

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amlodipine and swelling

TDPowers profile image
46 Replies

I’m at stage 5 ckd and I recently started amlodipine 10mg and my feet and ankle swell. My question is what does someone else at stage 5 take for blood pressure. I’ll be going to my nephrologist soon and i’m going to ask him what else I can take for blood pressure. Just wanted to know some other names of blood pressure medicine I can ask him about. Thank you

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46 Replies
Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador


I take irbersartan and have been forever. But now they might take me off of it because of the potassium. Its always something. I also take 5 mg of amlodipine but I do not have any edema. I also take it later in the day so that I am not taking all my BP meds at once. Really made a difference in my energy and a steady BP.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Bassetmommer

Thank you

hardrock430 profile image

I take metropol for my BP, I was taking amplifier and also they took me off of it because of the swelling

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to hardrock430

Thank you

CrochetGran profile image

I take 40 mg of Lisinopril in the morning and 2.5mg Amlodipine at night. I haven't found it to cause any swelling but I take a small dose also

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to CrochetGran

Thank you

Chucka profile image

I take Ramipril 10 mg for blood pressure. It is an ACE inhibitor and has not caused any swelling. For the past six months I have been supplementing it with amlodipine of only 2.5 mg, which has not caused any swelling yet. . The combination of the two has been keeping my blood pressure down. I have stage 4 ckd. My nephrologist indicated that if I could not tolerate amlodipine he would switch me to metoprolol (beta blocker). But so far the amlodipine has been ok.

I hope you find a blood pressure solution that works for you.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Chucka

Thank you

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to TDPowers

Thank You

Lalana profile image


I was on amlodipine for 7 months in 2020 and it was really bad for me. I was retaining fluid and my weight went up 7 kg! I felt really ill. My BP was also high for a while and we couldn’t bring it down. Due to a change of nephrologist, and in order to teverse the effects of Amlodipine, Ihad a review of my BP medication and I’m since on Doxazosin ( in the evening) and in the morning Enalapril(I’ve been taking this since 1990 although doses have been increased since), Adizem and Fuoresemide.

BP has been stable more recently but my kidney function has gone down to 15% from 29 % in 2019.

Good luck. I hope you are given a medication that helps with your case.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Lalana

Thank You

Beachgirl32 profile image

im In stage five I was on Lisinopril but they stop that on me in stag four. I was change to Carvedilol 12.5 twice a day this was after my evaluation to see if I qualify for a transplant and I had a low ejection faction so they sent me to a heart doctor and he change it and I got my ejection faction up . I have been doing ok on it.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Beachgirl32

Thank You

horsie63 profile image
horsie63 in reply to Beachgirl32

Did they say the carvedilol caused the low ejection faction?

Beachgirl32 profile image
Beachgirl32 in reply to horsie63

no the heart doctor put me on it ito help increase my ejection faction and it did

Tabookitty5 profile image

there are “channel blockers” and “beta blockers”…one older medication that doesn’t cause OTHER PROBLEMS to exasperate the situation is BISOPROLOL. It may not be powerful enough, but it’s been the safest thing I’ve gotten to try.

I had different side effects from amlodipine and they are trying a similar one for me now. But it’s IN ADDITION TO bisoprolol.

Losartan is popular now and I have no complaints. There is new evidence supporting the use of a multiple of meds in sync can be helpful. But the state of the kidneys and other health issues need to be considered (I liked a chorfenidine I think it was but it lowered my sodium levels). Hope these names help you at your next appointment with your nephrologist or primary care doctor

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Tabookitty5

Thank You

Tempest1 profile image

This is a common sides effect of these meds. You need to see if there is an alternative to this medication.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Tempest1

Thank You

drmind profile image

Amlodipine and Hydrazaline caused extreme swelling and eventually caused me to go to the ER. My nephologist at the time say "Oh, Amlodipine usually causes swelling." My thought at the time was "so, what the heck did you put me on it." Anyway, this combo of meds caused me to retain urine and eventually I got several infections and had to go to the ER to find out what was wrong. Was ill for over a month. New nephrologist put me back on meds I used for most of my life and the swelling went down and BP was back to normal. For BP, I now take Valstartan HCL, 160 mg, 12.5, 1x and Metoprolol, 25 mg, 2x. My GFR hovers between 27 and 33. Going for labs tomorrow and hoping it stayed in stage 3. Good luck with your next visit.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to drmind

Thank you

Hawaiilover profile image

Hi, I was on Lisinopril up until this summer when my BP shot up and they had trouble getting it back in check. Now I take Losartan, Carvedidol and Amlodipine 10mg. I had swelling issues as well when I first started the Amlodipine in July but I'm doing ok now. I also started on dialysis shortly after starting amlodipine so not sure if that is why I don't have the swelling anymore.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Hawaiilover

Thank you

Vickiblue profile image

Hi, I take amlodipine, metoprolol and doxazosin. I do have significant swelling even though I take furosemide 160 mg daily.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Vickiblue

What mg is the amlodipine and metoprolol? I have not tried doxazosin I’ll ask my doctor when I go see him. Although I take amolodipine 10mg and metoprolol 25 mg I still have high blood pressure 147/90 I take the amolodine once a day and the metoprolol twice a day. Thank you

Vickiblue profile image
Vickiblue in reply to TDPowers

I take the same dosages of amlodipine and metoprolol as you. My docs have me check my BP everyday and log it. Earlier today it was 157/77…not really controlled very well. This is why my team added 4 mg of doxasosin a day, a little over a year ago. But it is still not controlled. Other contributing factors are that I have coronary artery disease and bradycardia, hypothyroidism and metabolic issues in addition to CKD. Valsartin and metoprolol had my blood pressure controlled very well for a couple years, but my nephrologist discontinued it because of the possible further damage to my kidneys. Lol seems like there’s always something doesn’t it? I hope your drs find the right combination for you. Best wishes!

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Vickiblue

I agree it’s always something Thank you

Hily profile image

Amlopadine caused me swollen ankles and feet. Told the pharmacist and he said any other lopadine would be the same. Neph put me on Doxazosine that made me incontinent clearly indicated in the notes. Does not affect men just women. I have been on Bisoprolol successfully since.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Hily

Thank yoj

Herewegoagain12 profile image

Currently taking metropolol and hydralazine and have been last 5 years. Never had BP problems before liver transplant. Prograf causes high blood pressure. BP is steady on current combination.

in reply to Herewegoagain12

I'm glad to hear that you are doing well with your current BP meds, especially after taking them for 5 years. I'm replying to you just as a word of caution. Several years ago, my wife's BP shot up and I took her to the ER. They gave her Hydralazine and that brought it back down nicely. Her GP kept her on it for several years. Her kidney blood work started looking like something was happening so I took her to see my Nephrologist. The first thing he said is I'm taking you off the Hydralazine and the Hydrochlorothiazide as they are the two worst medicines to be on. My wife had read that Hydralazine can cause GPA/Wegener's disease. My Neph said that he currently has several patients with severe kidney disease as a result of GPA caused by Hydralazine. Her kidney numbers were a result of too much Ibuprofen and has since gotten better. Here is a paragraph from the website.

A new case study supports previous findings that hydralazine — a medication used to treat high blood pressure — may cause ANCA-associated vasculitis with severe kidney injury, leading its researchers to recommend its use “generally be avoided.”

in reply to

Here is the complete link:

TDPowers profile image

Thank you

PecanSandie profile image

I am now on 10mg of Amlodipine (after taking 5 mg for several years) and 75 mg of Metoprolol. When I went from 5mg to 10mg of Amlodipine my feet started to swell, mostly in the morning. After about 4 months this stopped happening....not sure why.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to PecanSandie

Thank you

wheezoids21 profile image

Good morning. I take 15mg of enalapril. My blood pressure so far has been only slightly elevated so it is more for the large proteinuria i experience. The dosage was increased this week as i am getting periorbital edema and the hope is that the ace inhibitor will bring down the protein leak a bit, and therefor deal with the edema issue. Im already treated for hyperkalemia so i expect this higher dose of enalapril will subsequently mean i will need to increase my kayakelate dose as well. My GFR is 15 as of this week, down from 20 this time last year which brings me to stage 5 ckd.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to wheezoids21

Thank you

Darlenia profile image

My husband has been on all sorts of blood pressure meds - often three or four at a time - too many for us to remember. The worst outcomes happened when nephrologists switched prescriptions in and out - swelling, shortness of breath, lab issues, etc. He was put on dialysis when his blood pressure reached the 240s/120s (which followed after such a switch) and then nothing worked at all. I would do absolutely nothing without alerting your cardiologist and/or senior pharmacist. Unfortunately, some nephrologists seem to read one report and automatically assume that whatever happened there will be good to you. Right now, my hubby is on metoprolol after receiving a transplant. All his meds are carefully supervised and supported by the pharmacists there. Our local pharmacist as well as our cardiologist are also exceptionally watchful. Asking a pharmacist and/or your cardiologist for advice is free. Please, please do that. In our opinion, fragile blood vessels can't handle too much back-n-forth.

Futureckd profile image


I am on amlodipine for around 2 years. When my neph increased the dose to 10mg it caused swelling in my feet. She reduced to 7.5 mg and the swelling is gone , but I also got used to wear compressing sucks based on an advice from my primary physician since my work is sitting all day on a desk like him. So now I take 7.5 mg amlodipine and 2.5 mg Losartan. No swelling in my legs. Ask your neph to reduce the dose and add another drug if needed. Good luck.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Futureckd

Thank yo

Futureckd profile image

sorry for the typo, Losartan dose is 12.5 mg daily.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to Futureckd

it’s easy to touch the wrong letters

Swelling is one of the possible side effects of Amlodipine. My wife's GP put her on it a few years back and almost instantly, her feet and legs started swelling. I am stage 4/3b and I take Losartin once a day and Carvedilol twice a day. I went to my pain doctor clinic yesterday and my BP there was 127/68.

TDPowers profile image
TDPowers in reply to

Thank you

RoxanneKidney profile image

Crazy you mentioned that. The Lisinopril might be making my eyes swell.

Beachgirl32 profile image

carvel idol is also a blood pressure med “Beta blockerIt can treat high blood pressure and heart failure. It can also reduce the risk of death after a heart attack”I’m also on bidil which help heart and also blood pressure .they seem to be doing good for my heart and maintaining good blood pressure

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