Hello all! Just been doing a little online research into the benefits of Apple Cider vinegar, and was wondering if anyone else here has used it, and if it’s even considered safe for those of us with CKD. I’m stage 5 CKD, and was interested in trying this vinegar, as it is praised for aiding with a number of health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure and supposedly helpful too, with weight loss. Does anyone here know if there is any truth to these claims? Please let me know if you can. Thanks guys! 😊
Apple Cider Vinegar - Is it safe for CKD Su... - Kidney Disease
Apple Cider Vinegar - Is it safe for CKD Sufferers?

It is safe. I use it all the time in my stir fry. It has zero fat, zero sodium, zero carbs and zero protein.

Oh! That’s great! I’m happy to hear that! I appreciate the quick response, Mr_Kidney! I’ve been reading up on it, but getting somewhat different answers from different websites, and also couldn’t get a straight answer on whether it was safe for people with weakened kidney function. The reason I was wanting to try it is because there are claims that it is helpful with some of my other health issues. Definitely going to give it a try. Thanks so much. I appreciate it! 😊👍
I'm not aware of any benefits to other health issues, however, I've been using it for about 18 months and there have been no detrimental concerns with my CKD, T2D, HBP or AMD.
Good luck.

Also, wanted to thank you for the stir fry idea! Haven’t made a stir fry in some time. I know what I’m having for lunch tomorrow! Thanks again!
I use it in an apple cranberry coleslaw that I make often. That recipe is on the Davita website. It’s also used in a few other recipes on that website so I’d think it’s fine for those of us with CKD.
I really have no idea about it’s supposed other health benefits. But it’s certainly a decent option for those of us with CKD and type II diabetes.
I appreciate the replies, guys! I get some conflicting answers online when I research these things. While I’m here, could I just ask the forum where can I go to get a truthful and accurate answer on these questions, like, “Are water chestnuts high or low in potassium?” Lol! So far, I’ve received 2 differing responses from 2 different websites! And the same goes for snow peas. Sometimes, it can be frustrating is all. Just trying to do right by my health. I thank you for your help. God bless. 👍

Hi Sammi,
Not sure if you are talking about using it as a ingredient or taking it as a supplement. Apple cider vinegar has lately been suggested as a diet aide, but there is no evidence based info out there on that. Having said that, there is evidence that it can cause upset stomach and remove the enamel from your teeth. It is an acid after all. At stage 5, I would seek the support of a good dietician.
Wow! I really appreciate that advice also, Bassetmommer! I didn’t know that it could strip enamel and cause an upset stomach. That is definitely something I do not need. I think I’m still going to give it a try, just not in large amounts. I’ll use it carefully. Maybe just a dash or so in stir fry and in salad dressings. I wasn’t going to take it in teaspoons, as it is sometimes, suggested, just a little for flavour. Not sure then that it will have good enough effect on blood pressure or weight loss, though. Guess I’ll just have to see. Thank you so much for your input. This is very helpful information. 😊👍
Apple cider vinegar is delicious but it has no medicinal value. The "research" tends to be anecdotal so I wouldn't put too much stock in it.

Darn. So I guess then, I won’t be dropping any significant amount of weight with it either, or cure my diabetes, huh? That is a shame. Lol! Oh well. Thanks so much for the info. Much appreciated! 😊👍
Hello, I am at stage 5 and have apple cider vinegar. Like Mr Kidney I use it is stir fry and also I like a drop of it as a flavour enhancer on salads where previously I would have used salt. I have found that a small spoonful of it in a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon really helped me when I got the sick feeling on waking. But as others have warned I would not drink it neat as it can cause problems and damage your teeth but diluted it is fine.
Sammi, I try to take a tablespoon of ACV with the mother and raw honey(about 1/3T) in a glass of water every morning. It does help me control my weight as long as I eat healthy as well. My nephrologist has no problem with this routine and my stage 3 CKD numbers have been stable for over a year. Hope this helps.
Hi there, Joyinfl! I’m going to try that! Just wondering though, could I try it without the honey, or is that asking for trouble? I ask only because I’m diabetic, and if it can be done without the honey, it would probably be better for me. I appreciate your advice. Keeping my weight in check has always been a problem with me. Lol! Thank you so much. 😊👍
My dietician recommended using it as a flavoring to get more water in my diet, I am on dialysis so I would assume it is fine.
Thank you so much, Frankie24! I appreciate your input. That seems to be what everyone is saying, so I hope it works with regard to it’s supposed weight loss properties as well! Lol! Truthfully, I haven’t tried it yet, as my grocery lady won’t doing a shop for me until Thursday of this coming week. But I’ll certainly let you guys know how it works out, both as a flavour enhancer and as a weight loss promoter. Who knows? You may be seeing me on the cover of a fashion magazine soon! (Yeah, right, Sammi!) Lol! 😊👍
Ask your doc.