Is there anyone with experience of a young child (around 7 yrs old) having very strongly foaming urine. Is it possible that this can be caused by a very high protein diet and not being hydrated? We will be taking him for testing soon. We are hoping it is not CKD but a temporary glitch. Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
CKD In Child: Is there anyone with... - Kidney Disease
CKD In Child
Protein in urine is not from eating too much protein, but rather it is likely minimal change disease which is very treatable and common in young children
There are several reasons a child could have foaming urine. I think your best bet is to see the Dr and get the tests. That way you know. Try not to stress about worst case scenarios right now. It is probably nothing to worry about. Foam in the urine is a poor gage of protein level, as is a dipstick UA. If there is a concern, then they might want a 24 hour catch. That is what will really tell if they are leaking protein.I have CKD and a transplant, so when a couple of my children showed up with some protein in their urine we had them checked. So far everything is normal and not anything to worry about. Because of my history we are a little more careful than most people would be.
Thank you for your encouraging advice. Yes, the next step is the doctor and tests. That way we will know for sure what is going on. Glad that you have such a balanced view, especially with your own experiences. It helps us not to panic. All our thanks.
Go to GP IMMEDIATELY! Do not wait any longer. I don't know what this could be, but with children that young, it's prudent not to wait.
Believe me I am working on it. The parents are resisting testing. Probably afraid of results. Will keep informed. Thanks for your reply.