hello. has anyone heard that the A1C "goal" for a diabetic is not the same if the diabetic has CKD? since I started diabetic treatment 2.5 years ago, it seems like my Dr's have focused on my A1C only. my A1C goes down to 6.4 great. but the Metformin can be hard to take at times with side effects, so the dose was lessened a little. oopps now my A1C goes up to 6.8. different Resident Dr says oh lets put your Metformin dose back. great. A1C back down but guess what? my eGFR isnt as good and my CKD is worsening even though my A1C is fairly controlled.
I always thought that the A1C goal for diabetics was below 7%, so 6.4% is good. but then today I'm told by a new Resident that no they actually want me at 6.5-7.5% since I have CKD. seems odd, but is lower A1C not always good when you have CKD?
started Jardiance a month ago. was just above the FDA starting limit at 46 (FDA says 45 is cut off for starting). eGFR came back as 52 today. hopefully it stays there this time. also resident MD is sending me referral for nephrologist. I had asked about my solitary kidney (right kidney isnt working) but eGFR has been declining maybe faster than it should at times.