I have ckd 3b, my doctor prescribed ibuprofen gel for a soft tissue injury in back,no relief,doc then prescribed codeine 30mg ,still no relief,saw different doctor who then told me to take 2 paracetomol up to 4 times a day,still no relief,I am using toilet almost every hour during the night,and my urine is very bubbly,my pharmacist has told me that I should not be taking codeine or ibuprofen,the pain is excruciating all the time,any advice or help would be most appriciated
Ckd 3b: I have ckd 3b, my doctor prescribed... - Kidney Disease
Ckd 3b

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True that ibuprofen WILL damage the kidneys over time. Not sure about the other drugs. Sounds like you would benefit from a pain clinic. So sorry you are going through this. Make sure the doctors are protecting your kidneys.
Thankyou bassetmommer for your reply , I was wondering if perhaps the meds have already damaged kidneys because of frothy urine and going to toilet so often at night , my next nephrology app isn't until 2nd January 24, just have to hope there is no damage,again thankyou for ur reply,
I would suggest to have labs done more often to keep an eye on things. You have some symptoms of CKD and at 3 b, labs should be done at least every four months.
When I saw my nephrologist in June he said my gfr had gone from 50 in May to 43 in June,but he wasn't worried about it because my gfr has been stable for the last 2 years, this is my first time on this site,so after reading all the comments of people helping and advising each other I decided to ask advice from you lovely people,thankyou so much,best wishes ,
I agree with Bassettmommer that you should be having labs done more often. See if you can get your PCP to order the CMP tests for you. Do you know how to read lab results?
The rule of thumb regarding frothy urine is that if you're properly hydrated and the bubbles don't dissipate within five minutes, it "may" be something to be concerned about. Always ask your doctor if unsure. If you want to have some idea of what frothy urine is, next time you make egg whites, after you pour them out into the pan, run the empty container under the kitchen tap. THAT'S frothy.
So sorry you are going through this. Have you tried Gabapentin for pain? It will probably not get rid of the pain completely but make it more tolerable. I think it's pretty kidney safe.
No have not tried it,but will check with doctor if it's OK to take with ckd,I am on lisinopril,atorvastatin,and apixaban,I also have a pacemaker,so I have to check all meds, thankyou for your reply, very kind of you ,I am grateful for your advice,best wishes,hollyann
I have severe neuropathy in my feet and years ago when I asked my Neph about taking Gabapentin, he said to limit it to 300 mg a day which is not much. I've heard of people taking 1800-2400 mg a day. That stuff rewires your brain.

It doesn't actually work on the brain (unlike opioids), it blocks the signaling pathway from your nerves. But yes, I was also told no more than 300mg on dialysis. I don't know if CKD 3b will have that limitation.
Have you tried alternating cold and hot packs for 15 minutes each? That always gives me relief from back pain and it won’t affect your kidneys negatively.
After several years of back pain and several procedures to relieve the pain, I decided to go to an Osteopathic Manipulator. My severe pain has decreased significantly.
Sadly it is now very common indeed for doctors to prescribe drugs that they shouldn't and maybe wouldn't if they considered the patient as an individual.
I suggest yours could have referred you to an alternative practitioner but unfortunately they hardly ever do.
As people get older standing on concrete/tile floors can strain their backs. Many wear orthopedic shoes or purchase kitchen mat's designed for their cushioning. Light stretching excersizes really helped me. I went to a chiropractor and he suggested massage/light stretching. Also cold packs/hot packs. After doing a simple 5 min. stretch on you tube (fab 50's) I felt much better.
sorry you are in so much pain .Yeah most doctors know for kidney patients ibuprofen is a big no no . Sorry you were given that . Usually bubbles don’t happen to end stage is what I was told. I know protein in the urine can cause bubbles . Would a heating pad help your back some?
Try acupuncture or massage or both. I have and it helps my bac pain and joints.
I am stage 4. I have had several RFA procedures done at a pain management clinic. They work very well and last about 9 months. My pain doctor has prescribed Hydrocodone for me which I take once in the morning. That's when my whole body aches but particularly my back.
If you are constantly going to the toilet it would be worth checking for a UTI. UTI's can cause foamy urine as can kidney stones and kidney stones can also cause UTI's.
UTI's can also cause lower back ache and generally make you feel unwell (mentally and physically).
I think with opiate based drugs like codeine, it is advised that if you have to take them it should be at as low a dose as possible if you have CKD. This is due to the way they can build up in the system and take longer to clear the body and also their side effects such as sedation, dizziness and constipation.
Just to update,I have been told I am pre diabetic,see nurse next week,I am also being tested for vasculitis because of rash on top of arms and chest which I have had for months &months,when mentioned to doctors about it was told it could be an age thing,very worried just waiting for app with dermatologist,
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