I am looking for a place to buy prepared meals for a CKD diet. Does anyone know of a company that services the northeast US? Thank you
I am looking for a place to buy prepared meals for a CKD diet. Does anyone know of a company that services the northeast US? Thank you
Wanna make a ton of money? Go into that business. Ain't no real competition.
I recall that there was one when I went looking a few years ago. Sorry, I don't have the name. But, it would be a tremendous problem for a meal company to tackle given the different diet requirements for those who have sodium, potassium, and/or phosphorus problems as well as various medical problems. BTW I didn't have a good feeling about the company that I found.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Personally I don't believe in "1 cap fits all", particularly since one person's CKD is caused and exacerbated by different things to another's. So a personalised approach best imo.
You're not the first who has asked this question on here. I've seen this request by others. If some company would create meal plans for the different stages of CKD, it would be wonderful. Heck, I can't even get my dialysis clinic dietician to give me meal plans for PD dialysis. She just offers "generic" lists of "approved" foods, but nothing specific. Not sure if it's because of legal liability, or laziness, hard to know for sure. You can look at Davita and Fresenius websites for CKD recipes, but they are not always clear which stage they are recommended for. And since there's still SO much disagreement and lack of research concerning CKD diets, whether low protein, or whatever, that it's hard to find some one who actually "knows" the for sure exact thing we should be doing at different stages. The advice is all over the place. So for now, this is a huge issue for most of us. We just have to have the Neph look at our labs and help guide us as best they can, though most Neph's won't give solid advice as far as diet is concerned until you get on dialysis, and then it's "eat tons of protein and take phosphorus binders" is the answer I"m getting. So we're with you in this request, but it's hard to find a company interested enough in just putting phosphorus content on labels, much less offering products that are geared to CKD 3, 4, 5 and dialysis.
I highly recommend looking for a personal chef who will prefer meals for you to your specifications - either in their residences/businesses or in your own residence. The price is often similar to those "box" dinners delivered to your home. I know of a fair number of personal chefs in my area doing this and they offer all sorts of plans. I'm sure there are some in your area too. If you don't know of any small businesses doing this, please reach out to your local chamber of commerce. Many seem to be members there. If not, the local chamber may be able to refer to you other resources that are available.
it seems like it would be a nightmare. i know with myself labs are often changing which would mean that diet would have to change or be tweaked on a regular basis.this disease takes so much work to keep your head above water. often times my doctors don't know exactly why something is changing and medications that worked a couple of years ago are no longer appropriate. its something you have to be on top of all the time.a job in itself.
So true! I completely understand, Generally, a personal chef living close to you would happily make those changes since there's there's direct communication between you and the chef. A big company wouldn't do that. But, then, the very best solution is making meals yourself. It's just that this doing this regularly is hard and tiring for many. Crossing my fingers that your labs stabilize and that food preparation becomes easier for you.
I'm going to ask a local caterer who might be able to prep low sodium, low sodium and phosphorous meal. Like a lot of us, meal prep seems tiring. Housework is tiring. One of my meds- Bumex and gabapentin make me feel like a drunken sailor who I get up. I hope to be able to drop them soon!
hello! Have you looked at Plant Powered kidneys? Honestly I don’t know much about them but I think they offer meals. I bought a cookbook from them . They also seem to have useful articles. They might be a site to check out.
Thank you to everyone who responded. I will check out some of the resources mentioned
This site gives a pretty good breakdown with a headline of:
The 4 Best Renal Diet Meal Delivery: Meals For Kidney Disease
Along those lines, I wonder if there are some good cookbooks for us out there and if anybody has a favorite.
The best kidney friendly cookbook(s) are provided by Davita - Davita has lots of recipes and cookbooks, all free and all downloadable. Some also take into account diabetes, if that's also an issue. See link: davita.com/diet-nutrition/k...