I just read a study That was done in London that talks about keeping the PH balance in CKD. It was also published in some American journals. Talks about patients with acidic PH being so much worse than those with balanced PH. It is already well known that PH balance is so important for health but this was strictly talking about the benefits for CKD. Make sure your PH is balanced. I'm trying to figure out how to post this very interesting study that claimed 2/3 of patients saw great benefits and considerable slowed CKD. Look up Sodium Bicarbonate for CKD and take it to your doctors.
Balance PH for CKD: I just read a study That... - Kidney Disease
Balance PH for CKD

Thanks. So little is known about kidneys and what harms and helps them so sharing this research can only be a good thing. I live in England and can honestly say not a single thing has been suggested by any of the doctors including kidney doctors that I have seen to even attempt to slow progression. I was diagnosed at 17% and was immediately written off and consigned to the dialysis queue.
It is so sad that so many doctors stop learning once they get out of school. There are so many good studies these days on the internet and to not know anything new in your specialty should be malpractice!
Yes yes Me too and I have been so depressed a friend also recommended Alkazone drops ordered from Amazon to put in your water or anything you drink so I have been doing that and also Apple cider vinegar and water is supposed to be good So I am trying it anything to not fo on dialysis. I agree about doctors they don't give you much hope
I have been on sodium bicarbonate about 4 years now. Also I do 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar everyday. My ph is good. Thanks for sharing
Hello Bunkin, I am interested in taking sodium bicarbonate. How much do I have each day. Thank you.

I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night

Make sure it's off before you take anything because you can get the opposite problem of acidosis and that's a problem too. Your PH needs to be in the middle. You need to have the doctor check it.
There are major problems with this study. There was no control group and that is troubling. It was also not a blind study. This study has not been repeated so there is no meta analysis available. The study only covered a very select group of kidney patients - ones that were not obese and had no heart disease.
What it found was interesting but I would skip taking bi carb unless your doctor approves. My ph is fine so I wouldn't need it anyway.
If you don't need the bi carb, taking it could cause more problems.
Clearly this needs to have more in-depth studies before any real conclusions can be drawn.

I was only saying to look into it, not to start taking bicarbonate soda. My son has had proteinuria and his PH is off. It is always best to have your PH be in balance for many reasons. Maybe ask your doctor about it.
I wish the study hadn't been so limited. We need more like this.
Hello, how do u check the ph level. I'm guessing u buy it from chemist?

Mine is checked when I do my labs every 2 months

You can buy the papers to check it at the drug store. Ask pharmacist how accurate that is. Seems to me your doctor should be checking them by blood.
I get bottled water with ph of 8.8 which is little Alkaline
My last 3 blood report shows the progression has slowed down
I am 74, GFR 23, creatinine 2.9
CKD since last 10 years
Pretty much on plant diet
Yes, my new nephrologist automatically increases the dose of sodium bicarbonate I take specifically to balance my PH. My first nephrologist put me on sodium bicarbonate shortly after he started treating me. So I’ve been taking at least 1300 mg sodium bicarbonate every day for the past 8 years, and since May 30th this year the dose was increased to 2600 mg of sodium bicarbonate, ie, 4 650 mg tablets.