looking for specific diet, grocer shopping items for a 76 year old male with Stage 3 CKD. Any suggestions welcome.
diet CKD: looking for specific diet, grocer... - Kidney Disease
diet CKD

I am a senior male also and was put on a CKD diet, by my Doctor, when I was age 77. My diet was based blood work for phosphorus, potassium, sodium and protein. It might be best to inquire your Doctor about an appropriate diet for you. The diet has helped me for Chronic Kidney Disease. You have reached a good forum for information and sharing.
I can agree on the need for a diet based on blood work. I cannot agree that it might be best to get information about an appropriate diet from your doctor.
In my case, my primary referred me to a nephrologist who, looking back, was probably in the early stages of dementia. After my second meeting with him, I requested a change.
The new nephrologist did not feel that diet had any impact on efgr.
I had also requested a meeting with a dietician. At that point, I was better informed than the diabetic dietician I was referred to.
By this time, I had received much guidance from members of this forum and from my own research.
My advice is talk to your doctor, but do your own research. Good resources: Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins University and Cleveland Clinic. Also, if you look under topics, to the right, there are 97 posts regarding diet and nutrition.
Good advice. I was unable to get a referral to a nephrologist (I am on Medicare in FL and was unable to get referral to Nephrologist at the time until level 4 and diagnosed at 3b, and now could get referral but doing ok without one). I do have a PA who is monitoring by CKD.
That's interesting. I am on Medicare in MI and was diagnosed at 3a, 7 years ago. My nephrologist gives me test results and I guess I am monitoring what I eat. 🙂
I guess I will stay at work until I reach 67 so I can keep the health insurance, awaiting for stage 4 for a referral or approval for a nephrologist is just...How can they play with the health of the people? Ask for a referral from your doctor and show them, they must.
I would suggest looking into the PRAL diet, Predictive Renal Acid Load. It's about eating the foods that are easiest for your kidneys to process. Everyone is different, but it worked for me. Over the course of 5 years (starting in 2019) my eGFR went from the low 60's to 88 (result was Jul '24). As always, ask your doctor and a kidney dietician if you are able. Also, regular exercise, if possible. BTW, I am a 66 yo female.
Thanks for suggestion, but the prescribed CKD diet I am on works for me.
This eating strategy was created by a kidney dietician. You can you use your prescribed CKD and follow PRAL in conjunction with it. The PRAL diet lists which foods produce less of an acid load, when digested which is easier on your kidneys. I believe you will be surprised at some of the foods that make our kidneys work harder.
my nephrologist recommended the DASH diet. I got the dash diet for dummies book Explains the diet and gives recipes. Very helpful. Remember salt is an enemy. Read all labels as it’s in everything processed. You can buy no salt or reduced items. Up your intake of fresh veggies! And beans. Of course we all eat to our labs. Good luck.
Always check labs - what's flagged, not flagged? What one may need to do may be totally different from another person's needs. Many diets, including the "renal" diet, manipulate electrolytes needed for proper body functioning. Forcing things to go out of range can have severe consequences. For example, my husband's kidneys were failing, creating high blood pressure, and was told to reduce his sodium. So, after hearing that (and the incessant roar of how bad it was in the media), I happily removed sodium from our meals - I prepared them, we ate them together. Then, I passed out 3x in a row in public. It was quickly determined I had extremely low sodium/chloride levels. (Thankfully, I managed to hold on to my driver's license.) My doctor was very unhappy with me - "Whoa. You did that w/o asking me?" So....look at the labs and then get a doctor's approval. Of course, it's always best to removed processed items and eat fresh fruits and veggies and white meats. But when you're removing specific things like sodium, one should get regular blood draws to ensure things stay balanced. We are all different.
If you have access to the blood test results, see if phosphorous and potassium are flagged as high. If they are, you should not buy the foods that are highest in that specific mineral. If his blood sugar is high or there are other indications of pre-diabetes, you should be cautious about sugars, including a few very sweet fruits, like table grapes. Make sure he's not taking NSAIDs or red meat. That said, stage 3 at age 76 is different from stage 3 at a younger age, in that some decline with age is normal. Shop for the Mediterranean diet, basically. I'm not familiar with the Dash diet suggested above, but its probably similar.
yes as most CKD related websites and many COMPETENT Nephrologists will offer…Eat a well balanced diet, don’t over do protein but for stage 3 there is no specific diet that I know of and I’ve been stage 4 since February 16, 1996 or over 29 years. If your disease is benign If you eat a well-balanced diet with attention to no over-eating of protein and be always mindful of keeping intake of sugary foods on the lower side of normal, life should be fine. I should know I’ve been stage 4 since February 1996 and have been eating a well balanced diet with about a 15-20g “normal” protein restriction (though I don’t calculate protein intake specifically on a daily basis) since about 2002 or so or the last 23/24 years.