Good evening all. I was wondering if anyone experiences foot cramps in the pre dialysis stage. Im generally well, but recently have been getting these painful cramps but dont want to unduly panic about it by calling my dr. So easy to become slightly hypochondriac with this disease. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you.
Muscle cramps: Good evening all. I was... - Kidney Disease
Muscle cramps

I had cramps often at first till my neph told me to take magnesium 3 times/wk. I think it's 250mg. and needs to be checked with bloodwork with other panels.

Wheezoids, great name btw, make sure your fluid levels are good. I was getting cramps, especially in one leg. But I also work out in a pool twice a week. That has a tendancy to pull water out of your body. I now drink a huge thing of water before I go and that has helped. I also take 250 magnesium and that really has helped. I have to have labs done to make sure I am not toxic. Check with the doctor but it is an easy fix.
Hi and as you have a basset hound and that us where your name originates from? I work outside in a hot country so am constantly drinking water until i feel like i could float away. I had some tests done a few weeks ago and my dr talked to me about those results today. I asked her about the cramps as i felt emboldened by the fact that others seem to have the same issue. Shes going to include a magnesium level check in next weeks tests so hopefully that will solve this issue. I used to get them when i was a child, before my congenital kidney/ureter/bladder problems were diagnosed, but havent had them like this since then. Right in the arch of my feet so just agony
I've been getting horrible cramps in the last few months. Some in the arch of my foot, once in a while my calf but mostly on the side of my lower leg or at the higher part of leg, by hip on the outside and sometimes in my groin area. They come in waves, sometimes 2-3, one after another. One thing that can cause them is compression so if you're wearing compression socks and get cramps.. look at that. I've not tried magnesium but have found drinking at least 8 glasses of water seem to help.
could be a number of reasons.
But if it is specifically in the foot, could it be gout?
kidney disease creates higher levels of Uric acid, which causes gout crystals to form.
Normally can be fixed with tablets.
Gout is a constant pain. It does not come in waves and is usually located at the site of a joint such as the toes or knees.
Magnesium helps mine and so does staying well hydrated. My labs show low magnesium and I was told to take 500 mg of magnesium daily, but I can only handle 250 mg because of how rough it's on my digestive track! I also take prilosec and I understand that this deletes some magnesium from your body.
Hope you find help soon. Having CKD kind of makes chemists of us all.
I experience leg pain at stage 3a but my doc won't give me anything for it ..I am in the UK so it Seems the docs in the us are more on top of treatment then over here
I also had cramps. My magnesium was always good. The cramps were so severe that I have ended up in the ER several times. Ultimately they use IV Valium to relax them. We never did figure what was causing them. My Dr's tried several things, gabapentin, alpha lypoic acid, magnesium, and of course water. I lso used tonic water tonhelp stop them, sometimes it worked other times it didn't. Although sometimes I had to limit water, which made it really hard. I recently received a transplant, and now my cramps are much lighter. They don't cramp so hard that they are painful, mostly annoying. Whatever you try please talk to your Dr first because some of these solutions may not be appropriate for you.
Also as an FYI, after transplant, the body tends to flush magnesium. So I am currently taking 800 mg of magnesium twice a day. Hope fully soon I won't need to do that and my magnesium levels will go back to normal. I'm hoping that resolves my current cramps.
Thank you. Theyve just upped my ace inhibitor to try and control the protein leakage, rather than for a blood pressure issue. That means they have to check my bloods for hyperkalemia regularly until my body adjusts to the change. Shes ordered a Mg test also so im just going to wait and see what that turns up, if anything. Im just waiting for things to get a touch worse, and then have a pre-emptive voucher program transplant organized so good to hear an opinion from someone who has been through the process and can share their experiences.
I get cramps in my feet, calves, hands and even my diaphragm. It’s miserable! I noticed it’s when I don’t drink enough water. My solution is a teaspoon of yellow mustard. This seems to help. I have also up my water, take a magnesium pill or use a foam lotion called theraworx that is specifically for cramping.
Foot cramp in arch where surgeon did mid-foot fusion responds rapidly to topical foam Theraworx, available without scrip at Walgreens and Target stores. Walgreens also has identical ingredient generic called Muscle Cramp & Spasm Foam at $7 lower than the $18 brand that works as well. Homeopathic and contains magnesium sulfate. I swear by it.