Need information on overactive bladder and... - Kidney Disease

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Need information on overactive bladder and magnesium deficiency

drmind profile image
21 Replies

Has has anyone had any luck with a relatively safe medication for an overactive bladder as well as a magnesium deficiency.

Most meds for overactive bladder say they're not suitable for those with CKD.

For the magnesium, I'm using the glyconate version an I'm having trouble tolerating even a half dose.

Any Information will be appreciated

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drmind profile image
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21 Replies
Serlo92 profile image

I don’t know anything about the overactive bladder but for the magnesium I take the citrate one because it gets absorbed easily in your body. I don’t take it unless if I eat something with potassium and with active vitamin D.

Hope this helps

drmind profile image
drmind in reply to Serlo92

It may help. What are some of things that you eat that have potassium with active vitamin D? I will look into the citrate one. Thanks for this information.

Serlo92 profile image
Serlo92 in reply to drmind

To be honest I eat foods that are high in potassium like banana’s, avocado and potatoes. The vitamin d I take it as a supplement but you can find it in butter, or cow’s milk

drmind profile image
drmind in reply to Serlo92

Thanks. I eat similar items: potatoes, milk, etc. and take vitamin d supplements.

dkitt profile image

I am not familiar with the Magnesium portion of your question but for overactive bladder, my urologist prescribed. Sanctura (generic is Trospium) . My nephrologist approved it and, it does not increase my blood pressure like some of the other meds. I am stage 3a. I tried 4 different meds and this one is working great.

drmind profile image
drmind in reply to dkitt

thank you so much for this information. I'm certainly going to look into it and discuss it with my kidney doctor. So glad that you're recovering good results.

CruisinChick profile image

I gave up all processed foods and added sugar, and about two months afterward, I noticed my pantiliners, that I’ve had to wear daily for many, many years, are finally dry after a full day. I don’t know what the connection is but I know it’s working for me.

drmind profile image

tthanks for sharing this information. Its difficult to do but certainly worth it for such good results. I appreciate you sharing your experience.

Michael__S profile image

I don't have an overactive bladder but prior to having CKD I tried both magnesium citrate and magnesium bisglycinate. The bisglycinate was somewhat gentler to my stomach. Its main advantage for me was that drugstore around the corner had it in a small container and found that 1/8 tsp was enough to feel its effect. The brand was Webber Natural, just another generic fairly affordable brand.

jodaer profile image

You might talk to your gyno about PT for the active bladder. I did some several years ago and it sure helped. Sounds like pelvic floor dysfunction

drmind profile image
drmind in reply to jodaer

Thanks for your suggestion. This came on rather suddenly and I'm wondering if any new meds may have caused it. All the meds for treating this condition are really not good for those with kidney problems. When I find one that I think may work, theres caution not to take it with the other meds I take or with other medical problems I have. In the meantime, Im doing some of the behavioral stuff recommended and it seems to be helping a little .

jodaer profile image

Good luck. it's not fun I know.

Mickymoo profile image

i tried 3 different types of tablets from the incontinence clinic and none of them worked for me. They alternatively then sent me to have botox injected into my bladder. 100ml first followed by 200ml. This didn't work either unfortunately. I have an overactive bladder but also urinary urgencency, where I cant hold it. I do know there are quite a few variations of tablets for overactive bladder, so hopefully they'll find u a suitable one for you. I don't know anything about the magnesiump part, sorty.Hope this helps

drmind profile image
drmind in reply to Mickymoo

so kind of you to share your experience with OAB. As far as I can see, most of the available medications are not indicated for those with kidney problems. But,there is a new one, Myrbeyriq (Mirabegron) that shows promise but at a discount it still costs $400 month. Hopefully, a generic may come out eventually.

Sorry about your experience in not getting any successful treatment. Right now, I'm looking at trying to follow the behavioral suggestions of timed bathroom breaks, kegel exercises, etc. I'm also looking at some of the new medications that i added recently to see if these are at fault.

hoping the best for you. Best always

jodaer profile image
jodaer in reply to drmind

Just an fyi.. in the PT that i did they said Kegel is the opposite of what you should do

drmind profile image
drmind in reply to jodaer

Oh, good to know. Thanks. I'm doing more research later. Whatever I'm doing, however, seems to be helping. I'd go go PT in a heart beat, but I've had so much trouble with the main center a few years ago that I'm not eager to engage them again. I understand now that there are several other centers now and I may look into it.

MONIREN profile image

I don't have kidney disease,my husband does. But I found leaning forward helps to empty bladder out, vital to not getting bladder infections. You might be going again because you didn't fully empty your bladder. Just a thought. Take care . Moni

drmind profile image
drmind in reply to MONIREN

Tthanks for sharing this information. Yes, leaning forward is one of the behavioral things that is suggested. Ive found it helpful. Thanks

Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador

ok couple of things here. Your need to pee might have nothing to do with your bladder. How's you parathyroid doing?

"Why Does Hyperparathyroidism Cause Polyuria?

Hyperparathyroidism leads to an elevated blood calcium level (hypercalcemia), which affects how the kidneys process urine. Now you might be thinking, “Why does hypercalcemia cause polyuria?” Too much calcium can affect how the kidneys process urine and their ability to reabsorb sodium. This means more calcium and sodium get into the urine. More water follows, causing increased urination."

Check to see if the doc has run a test for this and see if your PTH levels are increased. Mine certainly have but I am stage 5. I pee ALL the time. I keep telling my doctor who asks if I am still peeing that there is no issue with going. I pee twice a night and then during the day , I can go about two hours max. I also am still drinking at least 60 ounces of water so there is that. I do stop all liquids at 5 pm. There are medicines to help with PTH. I am not taking any as of yet.

Also make sure none of your BP meds have a diuretic effect. Many do. Any with thiazide are diuretics but there are more.

As to the magnesium, why are you taking that? Is it a low dose like 200mg? I take one magnesium 200, chelated blend for sleep and for moving my bowels. My mag level is up and so I have to be careful. Mag will build up in your system just like potassium does. Most doctors do not run magnesium levels tests unless you ask for it.

"Can magnesium cause overactive bladder?

Magnesium. Magnesium is important for proper muscle and nerve function. Some doctors believe better magnesium levels can reduce bladder spasms, a common cause of incontinence. Magnesium levels can be checked through a blood test at your next doctor's visit. Mar 27, 2018 (this is not a great resource because they want to sell you supplements but thought it was interesting)

One more thing I found was low salt can also make you pee more. Heres another view point, athough not as scientific as I prefere to use, it is interesting.

Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador in reply to Bassetmommer

Drmind, I just looked back your post when you joined here, and you said then your Parathyroid level was high..... there ya go. Talk to your doc about getting something to lower that.

drmind profile image
drmind in reply to Bassetmommer


bassetmommer: The last nephologist that I had completely fixed the parathyroid issue. It runs normal now. Right now, I'm working on a spinal nerve block and not paying too much attention to the nocturia. However, i found using someone's suggestion of putting your elbows on your knees while urinating does help a great deal to empty your bladder. It helps me a lot during the day. Hope you're doing well. my 2d trial of the nerve block worked and I'm one of the lucky ones where pain relief is lasting for awhile. So, the plan is to wait until pain returns before doing the ablation. What a relief this has been. Best always and thank God for this community.

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