Are there any meds for overactive bladder problems that are safe for kidney patients? Any information would be appreciated
Overactive bladder/nocturia: Are there any... - Kidney Disease
Overactive bladder/nocturia

Have you seen a doctor for this and was diagnosed? I asked because part of CKD is the constant need to pee. It is often a symptom of later stage. The urgency is real and if you are drinking lots of water, it just makes it more prominent. The thing is, it is just part of the deal. Your body is flushing out the best it can. I would talk to your neph about it. Sometimes, it is a symton of high PTH or parathyroid issues.
Thanks for your reply. I guess you may be right about it just being CKD and being old. I'm steady at GFR 31 and no PTH. Just changed nephs as last one was not very involved. Sad to say, new one may not be either. I'm running out of options as I stopped driving and im trying to stay local. Had a great neph two years back, but he left to do volunteer work. He did prescribe some meds, but at the time I didn't believe they worked. May look those up again. Oh, well. Just another "new normal."
Doesn't hurt totalk with Doc. There maybe other remedies I do not know about. One suggestion if your potassium is ok, is cranberry juice. It helps to sooth.
just a word of caution regarding cranberry juice: “Cranberry juice helps fight off bladder infections, but it can be a culprit in worsening overactive bladder symptoms. The berries' acidity can irritate the bladder, and although its diuretic action helps flush out the bladder and urethra, it will also make you go more frequently.”
One thing I love about the internet is if you look for something, you will find it. I saw where cranberry juice is not good because of the acid and then found this for dry cranberry.
A study from Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, New York, and colleagues reported in the Journal of Urology found using dried cranberry showed a reduction of the number of bathroom trips in patients who received the dried cranberry compared to those who received placebo (fake cranberry). Cranberry is a good option that may reduce your overactive symptoms. There are also foods to avoid and drinks you should avoid for overactive bladder that may make you pee more.
Thanks that article was helpful. I had been drinking diet 7 up more lately and I've stopped completely now. Actually, I'm not a soda drinker at all. Its just that the 7 up was there and I thought I'd use it up. I'm going to look for dried cranberries. But, some of those foods to avoid are among my favorites! darn, so I'll start limiting them until I can remove them. You're so kind for taking the time to help. I really appreciate it. I've been scouring the Internet, but I haven't found too much. I'd love to go to PT to learn about pelvic floor exercises and get help with it, but since I don't drive, all things like that have become harder to do. Fortunately,I have my kids nearby and they're available "most" of the time, but I'm trying not to take advantage. in the meantime, thanks for all you do for those in need in this community.
Look what I found from a prestigious center:"People also ask
Are cranberries good for bladder control?
A study from Weill Cornell Medicine in New York, New York, and colleagues reported in the Journal of Urology found using dried cranberry showed a reduction of the number of bathroom trips in patients who received the dried cranberry compared to those who received placebo (fake cranberry)."
Dried cranberries are available at Walmart and other grocery chains.
Bassetmommer: I found same study you did and only realized it after re-reading all the replies. Weill Cornell is part of New York Hospital where I used to live many years ago. Believe it or not, they had a public clinic there then and I went several times as an adolescent for minor stuff.
Hi Dr mind. I have just gone through some bladder issues. I started getting the urge to pee more a couple of weeks ago. I am on dialysis and still pee normally. Then I started getting a discomfort as if I hadn't emptied my bladder. I phoned the Dr and after getting a sample analysed, I was told there was no infection. They did still give me antibiotics that were OK for kidney patients. It just got worse. To the point I was in and out of the toilet as I thought I was going to wet myself. It was awful. I then asked my husband to get cystitis powders from the chemist. Again they didn't do any good. It did ease off slightly. During this time I googled everything. I got cranberry capsules, again they gave slight relief, then I read not to take them as they are more for preventing them rather than curing. I also discovered the B complex vitamins can cause irritation to the bladder. Stopped them. Ascorbic vitamin c capsules can also cause issues. The only relief I got was by boiling fresh ginger and drinking that. Still didn't cure it but it brought some relief. I still couldn't work out what it was. There are so many issues linked to my symptoms. I was actually getting quite depressed by the whole thing as it was taking over my life. Then I had to get a procedure on my fistula and and a temporary line put in. They put me on iv antibiotics. I am presuming it was these antibiotics that have given me the relief. I still have mild symptoms but things are improving. I also learnt that most people need at least a 7 day course of antibiotics not just the usual 3. A lot of people who have these issues also swear by Dimannose...not sure I have spelt that right but do your own research. Hope you get some relief. Its awful
Yes, I agree thst this condition can take over your life. It was great to hear that you got some relief. I'm not sure why antibiotics helped. I don't have any infection according to my labs, but I do take Vitamin B and will look into that. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
We have a long family history of PKD and bladder infections. Both my mom and I have untraceable infections. It's really frustrating. We have doctors that believes us and a 14 day course of antibiotics to get through it. I feel for you
Weirdly, have you thought about sleep apnoea? A little known aspect of sleep apnoea treatment is less waking during the night. Waking itself brings on the urge to urinate.
Don't have sleep apnea, but its certainly a thought to consider. Waking up at night is a bummer especially when you can't fall back to sleep.
I would have to say it's a good thing that I do wake up, because if I don't I will have a strong urge which changes to discomfort if I don't get up and go right away. It also is a bit painful to urinate once I do go.
I'm glad I wake up. My sister didn't wake up and was developing bed wetting problems Sorry that it's painful for you sometimes, but I'd strongky recommend thst you talk to your doctor about this. You may have a treatable condition. Keep us posted.
The doctor is watching it, drmind, and I'm going to give her another couple of weeks before I say she'll have to think of something else. I feel really good other than that discomfort, which doesn't happen unless I wait too long to urinate.
One thing is that I worked very hard in the yard for a couple of days recently. I mean trying to dig up dead stumps using a shovel and axe. (dumb) I'm trying to settle myself down from that and eat better too. Thank you for your concern. I'll let you know what I find out.
I found Kegels were the only thing that helped. And physical therapy. There are a number of exercises that helped with the pelvic floor.
Unfortunately loads of people don’t realise they have sleep apnoea. Generally people think it’s about snoring and it is not. Yes people have sleep apnoea who do snore but lots don’t. Daytime fatigue however is something that can direct the patient to it.
Ah right. Blood pressure medication? Some BP medication makes you urinate. Amlodipine is one but I know there are others too.
Untreated/improperly treated thyroid conditions too.
Having kidney problems (no doubt depending what level) I have no idea whether you could try something called D-Mannose. It is a ‘sugar’. I have Type 2 Diabetes but I have found this stuff invaluable. Find it by googling.
Someone else recommended D-Mannose, but after reading the research by the NIH, I think I won't try it. I'm sure my kidney doctor will say no to it. It can have a negative effect on the kidneys. It's in cranberries and other foods and I think I'll stick with those for now. But, thanks and I'm glad it has helped you
There are many conditions that prompt overactive bladder problems. A lot of people assume it's kidney related when it may not have anything to do with that. My hubby, with kidney issues, was caught up endlessly visiting doctors and emergency rooms. He literally went through kidney failure, dialysis and transplant under the assumption it was due to kidney function. Finally, he was referred to a great urologist with specialized tests and equipment. That doctor almost immediately discovered his bladder was affected by his diabetes, not his kidney issues, so my hubby's sensory nerves and muscles don't work to the level they should. He was finally put on a good treatment plan. It would be nice for you to know what situation you have going on for you. In this world of highly specialized doctors, it's very important to realize that highly specialized urologists are also there for you. Two different specialists, two different organs - sooo important. We definitely learned the hard way.
As to sleep apnea, I have it but continue to wake at night. Getting swelling off my ankles is more important than sleeping continuously.
I also have been annoyed by nocturia, sometimes getting up 3 or 4 times a night. I have MPA vasculitis which has affected my kidneys. I have been looking for suggestions not involving medication. I make sure to have enough blankets and I have been wearing a nasal strip for years. And no liquid after 7pm. Still only somewhat helpful. On the website of Urology Care I am using 2 of their suggestions. First take a short afternoon nap with legs raised on a footstool. And secondly sleep on your left side. Amazing, so far really helps. Worth a try?
UPDATE: Thanks. I do sleep on my left side, but I'm not someone to take naps. But, I have some good news. So many great people threw out ideas and shared their own experiences. I found out I was taking too much Vitamin B12 and the B vitamins do cause excess urination. Then, I stopped drinking carbonated sodas (Diet 7Up) and miraculously the frequency of bathroom visits dropped to almost half. I still have overactive bladder and nocturnal but at a frequency I can handle. I'm also doing kegel exercises and hope to reduce the bathroom trips even further..
Not sure the changes i made will help others, but I hope some can benefit. I'm also planning on getting some dried cranberries and have them on order. THANK All who responded. From the number of posts, it seems likely that this is a problem that effects many. Keep posting and keep sharing. I love this community. I couldn't believe Vitamin B12 could be part of the problem, but it likely was for me.
Best to everyone.
Take afternoon nap in a comfortable chair with legs raised on footstool…meant to add
I've has urgency during the day and nocturia for sometime now, getting up around four times per night.
The urologist mentioned a list of foods and drinks that commonly effected the condition but leaving out these foods has zero effect. This list is on the internet and is probably a good place to start.
In my case I found that leaving out yogurt (in large quantities), diet coke (any at all) and surprisingly tea had a huge effect. Even decaffeinated tea. I've cut down on these items and things are bearable and have been for a while. The bottom line is keep looking and keep cutting things out - especially items you tend to have a lot of. It is a pain but may help, it did for me. Certainly the less drugs the better.
I haven't noticed big changes with any foods, but I did notice more urgency and nocturia when I was sick with a dental infection. It's bearable now that the infection is gone, but i was eating a lot of yogurt. So, thats off my list.. Still, I'm going to be on the watch for other food products that may kick it up. BTW diet coke and coke are no-no for CKD patients. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience. It helped.