Hi guys,
I just have a quick question for those of you who are getting low on your GFR like myself (12gfr) not on dialysis, have you ever experienced a sense of pressure in your abdominal area just below your diaphragm? Along with this, the bottom of my sternum where my xiphoid process is along with the ribs attaching to that area on either side are sore to the touch. I also have bilateral pain in my shoulder blades and on my right side pain that travels from my side rib cage down into my hip. The shoulder and rib pain seem to be worse when I try to take a deep breath and feel like cricks. I don’t have any other symptoms, no fever, no nausea, my extremities are not swollen. Just a sense of not feeling well. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow at 7 AM. Of course I’m thinking this is the beginning of the end and I’m filling up with fluid But I don’t have any of the other signs of kidney failure. Thanks for anybody’s input. Take care.