it is called candesartan cilexetil at 8 mg. My question for the community here is I don’t understand about blood pressure pills I do get high blood pressure at times. I’m a very anxious person and have an anxiety disorder is the first time that my blood pressure has been high for extended periods of time however, when I am not anxious, my blood pressure can actually be low. My worry is when your blood pressure is low won’t the drug make you even lower (thinking of my diabetic meds and this way when I take them if I don’t eat enough my blood sugar drops too low) do blood pressure pills do the same thing I’m very nervous about it I live alone. Thanks for any information my doctor or pharmacist has not addressed this to my satisfaction.
I have stage three kidney disease but have... - Kidney Disease
I have stage three kidney disease but have never been on a blood pressure pill recently.

My suggestion is to get your own BP cuff and monitor it at home. Take it at different times; when you are peaceful and when you are anxious. Do this for a while. If you continue to have low BP then make sure the doctor knows it. It takes time to get used to a BP med and you need to be careful until you are on it for a while. When I first went on Valsartan, years ago, it made me very dizzy. But after a month or so it stopped. Oh, and get up slowly when you stand.
If your blood pressure goes too low - your body will tell you, you will feel dizzy and nauseous. Usually the protocol is to start you on a low dose and increase it as needed until you get to satisfactory level. The kidneys are involved in regulating blood pressure and sometimes when kidney function goes down, blood pressure goes up. High blood pressure can also harm the kidneys so it goes both ways. I agree, get a blood pressure cuff, they are not expensive and get into the habit of testing yourself.
Despite most believing a "pill for all ills" is the way to go, your case is yet another illustration as to why addressing underlying causes is best. Id suggest dealing with your anxiety issue is the way forward rather than BP drugs eg via an alternative practitioner such as a Nutritional Therapist specialising in the area.
As Bassetmommer suggests, personal investigation into your BP trend is justifiable for info.
I am proactive with my healthcare. If my BP iss too low, I DO NOT take the medication because it WILL drop me even lower. Then I am so lithargic, I have to take a nap (sometimes for hours). I wait an hour or two then check my BP again unti it is high, I have even skipped a dose. Talk to your cardiologist (or whomever prescribe the drug. Ask questions, and do not end the conversation untion uyo get all your answers and fully understand them. You are in charge and empowered. the doctor works for YOU!!!
I can understand where you’re coming from, but wouldn’t it be better to work with your doctor and tweak meds, until you level out and reach consistent BP throughout the day and evening? 🤔 I was on three BP meds and kept fainting. I’m down to one, but now my pressures are more erratic. I have been keeping a record of daily readings, which I will take to my Cardio appointment next week. My energy levels are almost non-existent. 😞
I agree with others recommending that you test your own blood pressure in the comfort of your own home. Blood pressure devices are available in all box stores and also online at a reasonable price. That way, you'll get a clearer picture whether not your new blood pressure prescription is too much for you or not. I really feel for you with your anxiety issues. That can definitely make life miserable. I assume that you're on meds for that. If not maybe look into changes in that area to help reduce high blood pressure events too - your kidneys will approve of that, I'm sure. Sending positive vibes your way!
Hi chilly, I don’t have hypertension either but my Dr has prescribe an ace inhibitor, lisinopril . Apparently research has shown that an ace inhibitor is very beneficial for CKD whether you have hypertension or no (or diabetes or not). I have read about this in detail, just to check and it is accurate.
I struggled on 10mg and felt faint as it reduced my normal BP around 130/75 to 106/75. So I reduced to 2.5mg and now coping with an increase to 5mg and if I can tolerate it I plan to continue taking it and increase slowly back to 10mg. If not, I will ask GP to try me on another one. My BP is fluctuating but the faint feeling has really reduced. Hope this helps and Wishing you all the best Chilly x