I was recently diagnosed with Stage 2CKD and since I know nothing about it, I asked the PA how I got that and what do I do to fix it. She told me to stay hydrated. I drink no less than 100 ounces of water a day anyway! I had lost 7pounds in 6 weeks,and now that diagnosis was made 3weeks ago and I have already lost 4more pounds. I am getting slightly concerned because now I fight to keep my weight above 100! Any thoughts,any questions? She doesn't seem concerned. Help please.
CKD Stage : I was recently diagnosed with... - Kidney Disease
CKD Stage

If you were told you have stage 2 CKD, then stage 2 is still over egfr 60.
I believe over 60 is considered normal kidney function and the doctors may just keep regular yearly checks on you. I see from your bio that you are 71 and I have been told that many people do have slightly reduced kidney function as they get older.
You could make an appointment with your doctor to find out more about where you stand and to ask advice.
There is also advice on kidney friendly foods that you could look at but your doctor will know best what would be suitable for you.
Hoping this helps,
Best wishes,

Check out kidneyschool.org for a wonderful resource of Kidney information. Blessings

Here is a link to National Kidney Foundation article on eGFR and relation to age. kidney.org/atoz/content/gfr

HI Conviva,At stage 2, there is little chance that you weight loss is due to CKD. Worry and concern, probably, If you are 71 with a GFR of 60 or better, you really are probably OK. People lose kidney function as we age. Your doctor should have explained that to you. Do you have other symptoms? You are staying hydrated. I am trying to get you to see that you are fine. If your weight loss continues, I would ask to see a dietician about what you are eating. I would also let the doctor know how much weight you are losing.
I really hate when doctors, or PA do not give an accurate accounting of someone's health condition. Yes, you are stage 2. Is that something to be concerned with at 71? Probably not. Unless your GFR has been going own rapidly and consistently downward. Do you know what your levels were for the last few years?
Thank you so much for the encouragement. This is the first time any mention has been made of kidney functions. I get so frustrated at the doctors and PAs just skimming over things and not spending the time to make sure patients understand, especially when it's a clinic devoted to helping senior citizens. Sometimes we are overwhelmed with a diagnosis and really don't know what to ask. I just want straight facts, like you have given. Thank you again for that.
Here's some more to help you with your worry. At this stage, staying hydrated is the most important thing. Many seniors develop issues from simply not drinking enough water. And I do mean water, not coffee, tea and soda. You are doing the best you can for your kidneys already. The weight loss is something else and truly, if it is from worrying about CKD, stop worrying. There are many more tests that would be done if the doctor was truly concerned with your levels. And since this is the first time anyone has mentioned it, I would stop fretting. To add some more weight, try adding more oils and fats to your diet. Healthy and good oils are plant based. This is the best for kidneys as well. Try to eat some things in between meals such as nut butters on apples or crackers. See if you can find flavored oils to add to veggie dishes. There are some really wonderful, flavored oils out there. I love garlic oil.
Wishing you the best.
You might be spilling protein better check. That was the reason I could not keep my weight. Very easy test.