I was looking at my hands and noticed the first finger of my right hand has a sharp vertical line in the nail that wasn't there before.ideas?
I line on one nail but not the rest - Kidney Disease
I line on one nail but not the rest
Hi S_dillow 🌿🌸🦋
What color is the line?
From my experience, I think that’s a normal thing that happens with you age..even if you’re not “old”! I had it prior to CKD
Check with the doctor, but to be honest, it might be absolutely nothing. Age will do that. Hitting the nail, or the finger below the nail. mayoclinic.org/healthy-life...
I have vertical (up/down) raised lines on my nails. The color is the same as the rest of the nail. Happens when you age. Most of us simply take a broad nail file and buff them away. If you hit or squash your nail with something, that can produce a white line. I've done that too. Lol. My husband, who has gone through kidney failure, has never had any lines of any sort on his nails. So, some get them and others don't.
Spot on, buff away - I had the ridges before knowing I had Kidney disease and I either buffed them smooth or used fake nails on top of them when I couldn't get nail varnish looking right - it might be be a small problem but for me it is a visible sign that I have kidney disease.