Has anyone used Organic Dandelion Tea? It's supposed to be good for detox of kidneys and liver. I'm stage 5 CKD, not on dialysis, take BP meds and on waitlist for kidney. I want to try this, but not sure if I should. I've read it can be good and sometimes also bad for CKD.
Dandelion Tea Good or Bad?: Has anyone used... - Kidney Disease
Dandelion Tea Good or Bad?

I went to look up any info on this tea and everything I saw was connected to a sales pitch. "Warning Warning.... danger Will Robinson" Anytime you do not see evidence-based information pop up in a search, there's probably a reason. So, the thing I did see is that it is a diuretic. And at the stage you are, stage 5, a diuretic is VERY bad for your kidneys. You do not want to tax the already impaired function you have. Stay away from supplements, tea and OTC products, especially at this stage. Think of this, a normal functioning kidney can filter all sorts of toxins and waste out of your boy. Your function is less than 15% so any stressor right now could crash what function you have left. Be careful with what you eat and consume at this point. Now is the time for the purest foods and drinks you can have.
Thank you for the info, I was leaning to not taking but wanted others input. I was given it as a gift from a friend meaning well but I'm always cautious of taking /using anything these days.
Hello you seem to know a lot about Kidney Disease. Would you share what diet and vitamins you take and if you take a probiotic. I listen to Dadvicetv a utube channel about CKD and he recommended ProRenal vitamins and Renadyl probiotic Stage 4 Ckd Always looking forward good information. Thank you
I will share, but remember, each person is different, had different nutritional needs, and comorbidities. For me, who is diabetic, Stage 4, with high uric acid levels and high potassium once in a while: I eat a whole food, plant-based diet. What that means generally is that I do not eat processed foods AT ALL. Nothing canned or frozen accept an occasional frozen vegetable mix with nothing in it. I eat no meat at all, no chicken or fish. Stopping chicken was difficult. I limit dairy, no milk, yogurt or (sigh) ice cream. I will add cheese, like shredded cheese to a meal for the protein once in a while. It was hard to cut back my cheese because it is a favorite food. NO crackers or pretzels or chips. I will indulge in blue corn tortilla chips because there are no additives in them, and they are low salt. I do not cook with salt. I love herbs, grow my own and love using Penzey's spices as they are the best. Bread is limited but love my own homemade. Pasta is a biggie for me, and I have to watch it because of the carbs. Not much into rice and sort have back away from other carbs, obviously no potatoes. I like to cook and so I experiment with veggie dishes. I eat salad almost every day and oatmeal with homemade applesauce every day. Supplements: I do take grape seed extract. Vitamins: I take Vit D and fish oil. I add flax and chia seed blend to my oatmeal every day. I do use stool softeners and I do drink Go Smoothly tea once in a while. I drink cold hibiscus tea every day and gallons, it seems, of water. May seem restrictive but it has worked for me.
I always caution people about products that are pushed as miracle cure product and cost a ton. If that was true, why hasn't the kidney world embraced them. And second of all, and I cannot state this enough. What works for me, may not work for you and may in fact be harmful. That is why a good health team: nephrologist, GP and dietician is so important.
Best to you.
Hi, Bassetmommer (love that handle). How do you flavor your salads? I just can't get used to salads with no dressing, though I guess vinegar with a little oil would be okay.
I am going to sound like a commercial for Penzey's spices. They make a slew of garden dressing spices which you can mix with something else like sour cream or mayo or olive oil. I use them dry on salad with olive oil, which is a good fat and sometimes I use avocado oil spray. I got sick of balsamic vinegar. And I do make my own honey mustard with almond milk, mustard and low fat mayo. My old standby, which is not really a good choice because it is processed is low fat ranch made by Hidden Valley. Only 60 calories for 2 tablespoons. Salad without fat is actually not good for you. We need fat in our diets. We need it to absorb nutrients. If you find your hair dry and brittle, nails the same, skin flaky and dry....guess what? Not enough fat in your diet.
Hi Hawaiilover, Here is a list of unsafe herbs from the National kidney foundation. I was looking at this a while back, because I wanted to know about using lemongrass in food.
Dandelion is listed as one of the herbs that in CKD “may be Harmful.” If you have time, read it through it has some useful information.