Hi, My kidneys damaged due to preeclampsia in pregnancy. I had 4 months old baby girl. My kidney function improving since my baby born. Last week doctor told me do kidney transplant after result of renal biopsy. Very upset after this.
I need help how can I handle this situation - Kidney Disease
I need help how can I handle this situation

Are you seeing a nephrologist or did that recommendation come from a primary care physician? If you’re seeing a nephrologist I’d say to request another appointment to discuss this recommendation. I’d also ask about the treatment goals and plan the nephrologist has set for your case. What is the short- and long/term prognosis. I’m short, you need more information. It might also be good to take a friend or family member to your next medical appointments.
Until you get more information in another doctor’s appointment, take a deep breath and enjoy your new little one🐶🐶
Thanks for ur reply. My husband going with me in coming appointment on 6th October. Trying to be stay positive and really want to enjoy my motherhood but being very nervous sometime. But my husband very supportive and guide me to enjoy the present don’t worry about future.
Hello! Where is your eGFR currently? I had two preemies due to HELLP and preeclampsia, but am just now, twenty years later, figuring it was because of an infection in my liver not because of my kidneys. Last year when my function dropped to Stage 5, my nephrologist has also gave me such advice, but through a whole food plant based lifestyle I have avoided dialysis. It can be done. Dialysis is not the only option we have. All the very best for you and your little one!!
Hello.. Thanks for ur reply. You such a give me hope. I was very depressed about this. I had same HELLP and preeclampsia during pregnancy. My baby was born 28 weeks. Firstly doctor told me the kidney function improving slowly but after renal biopsy the advised me for kidney transplant. It’s shocked me even I can’t enjoy my motherhood.
Can u give me some advise how I can improve my health please. I’m vegetarian so trying to eat very carefully and in small amount. Thinking to make appointment with renal dietitian as well.
Check out kidneyschool.org 30 years ago I suspect many women had HELLP syndrome but it was not yet a diagnosis. My daughter nearly lost her life with birth of first child. Wanted a home birth but midwife lacked in her care. She ended up coding twice in ambulance after she had seizures at home. Put in ICU and diagnosed with HELLP syndrome. Its been very traumatic life since then. Hang in there. Blessings
Please enjoy your little one! I completely agree with what everyone said here. As others have said, look for a good nephrologist if you don't already have one who can guide you in this journey. I simply wish to add that kidney failure, if that even happens, isn't a death sentence at all as there are alternatives in place to allow people to live meaningful lives. Your physician's suggestion that you would be in a position to have a transplant is wonderful, as so many of us are turned away. So maybe look into it, when you feel up to it. With advance preparation and approval, it would be a seamless transition if your kidneys did fail and there was only a short wait for a new kidney just for you! (My husband waited too long to get that process underway so the waiting time for us is 4 years here in the US.) In the meantime, please don't worry - just know technology and medicine has done wonders for us if the unthinkable should happen. And be reassured - you have many years to go and a lot of living to do. Happy mothering!
Thanks Darlenia for your reply. Today I had appointment with doctor and she said my kidney function stable but 80% permanent damage to my kidneys. I’m very sad and disappointed after that. She refers me to kidney specialist. My husband want to donate kidney to me but I don’t want to put him in trouble. I’m very upset.
I completely understand. We have gone through all those feelings. Definitely see the nephrologist and take your husband or a friend with you so you can both ask questions and the other person can record/jot down what is said when you are unable to do so. It's wonderful news that your kidneys are "stable". Perhaps they'll stay stable for a very long time, perhaps even years. This situation also gives you time to design a great backup plan. You mention your husband is willing to donate a kidney and that's definitely a option. But check into other possibilities as well. (I understand that the wait list for deceased donor kidneys can be quite short in certain countries and so forth.) Remember, you're otherwise very healthy-all those other organs are great! And that is worth gold. So go forth and collect information. And as you do, fears and anxieties will likely subside. Also, don't be afraid to bring up those feelings with your primary doctor, too, if they get in your way too much. So many of us have experienced them...you're definitely not alone and your doctor likely will be able to help you with them. Please don't overly worry as you do have many, many years ahead of you- with your husband, your child, and others. Trust me, you really do.
I also have kidney damage due to pre-eclampsia and also ended up having a premature birth because of it too. I'm stage 3 now and have glomunephritis which is where the filters in your kidneys die off and so can't filter your blood properly, apparently once they die they don't come back! Its very scary being a new mum and being told all of this, discuss it with your nephrologist as I presume they would do dialysis before a transplant and the dialysis could last for years and years before getting to transplant stage. They may also recommend some type of medicine first to help, Ive tried a few and am currently on Losartan which is used as a blood pressre treatment but also used to lower the protein in the blood. Keep positive, see what the nephrologist says as they may decide to try lots of alternative treatments before transplant! Enjoy your new little one x