What do you use for pain control? - Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease

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What do you use for pain control?

GoodHealthIsAJourney profile image

We all know NSAIDs are off the table, and Tylenol can work for mild pain. But what do you use for more severe pain? Whether it's for intense joint/arthritic pain, or even post op, what do you use?

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GoodHealthIsAJourney profile image
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17 Replies
orangecity41 profile image
orangecity41NKF Ambassador

I only use Tylenol.

Bassetmommer profile image
BassetmommerNKF Ambassador

I have psoriatic arthritis. I am on a biologic infusion. But I do get flares.I also use Tylenol, and not very often. Other than that, "it's suck it up Buttercup!"

jodaer profile image

I use extra strength Tylenol. I also use China Gel, a pain relieving lotion for external use

Michael__S profile image

I don't suffer from intense pain very often but I make use of hot/cold, more heat and my ems foot massager seems to have some benefits on that side but pro-inflammatory when I have a flare-up. I am considering to purchase a proper tens/ems unit.

I had success in the past with acupuncture, beware that price and quality is all over the place As a natural anti-inflammatory alternative I use turmeric and omega-3.

Hopeforlife profile image

I use a heat pad, and soak in a hot bath. I have a heated mattress cover to help me sleep and use the heated seat in my car even in the summer. I take Tylenol if the pain is intense. I use essential oils, a diffuser, scented candles and journaling to help myself relax.

NilsB profile image

I had a gout atta k coming on. Just last week. After reading an article, I now take two tablets of Colchicine as early as possible and then another one hour later. Then nothing more. I also took a tablet of Arcoxia, an NSAID, as I was travelling and just couldn't deal with the pain, but just the one followed by one in the evening and one the next morning and that treatment worked incredibly well. Went for a long walk today and no ill effects... yet.

sparkie88 profile image

I try not to touch tynenol but am prescribed for my foot pain using the lowest dose as possible. i also use a Kephentech patch to reduce inflamation ice and hot pad. Finally I add protein supplements with B6 B12 magnesium tumeric this is for my condition with a tendon micro tear. So ask your Dr before trying anything

Okiksaints1955 profile image

I have never touched any pain medicine for years. (CKD diagnosis +35 years ago). After my transplant, they gave me pain relief meds - never taken them. 20 years ago, I cut my palm with a glass and had 12 stitches without anesthesia. It helps that I have a high threshold. But it takes a lot of will power, practice and discipline.

For headache , I run/jog. I only use ointments, heat/cold pads, - all external.

I just suck it up.

I don't know if this helps - but the point is I will do anything to protect my kidney. Specifically this new one

HisLittleOne profile image

My nephrologist said Tramadol is okay to take for severe pain, which I use occasionally. For milder pain I take Tylenol and ice and/or hot packs.

Nana16 profile image

I have a lot of daily pain from various other health conditions. Tylenol was okayed by neph, but I cannot take it, affects my IBS for some reason. I have prescription Tramadol, which my neph okayed, to take as needed for the worst pain. I use a bath soak from Village Naturals for chronic pain and fatigue in a warm bath every night. I use minimal amounts of CBD cream with strong mint oils and some other botanicals on the especially painful areas, take a vitamin supplement that is high in B vitamins, and use a hot rice pack, along with an electric blanket, and a clean skin lotion that has lavender and chamomile, made by Mrs. Meyers company. Also do Tai Chi, prayer and mindfulness every day. All put together, it helps.

Starcatty profile image

I use tramadol for fibromyalgia and have been doing so for years. I also have kidney disease but have been OK'd to use it.

Sophiebun11 profile image

I've been on Tramadol 3 - 4 times a day for 20+ years for Scleroderma pain and other pains.

My Neph and PCP said it's ok to continue Tramadol even with Stage 4 CKD.

Marvin8 profile image

Doc prescribed Norco (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) for a back injury around 6 months ago. Took them for a few days. Worked like a charm. No idea if it affected my kidney function or not. Sometimes pain is so severe that neither Tylenol nor "sucking it up" is sufficient.

Beachgirl32 profile image

I take Tylenol and heating pad is my best friend it helps a little a little help is better than none

RonZone profile image

I had a cyst burst on my right kidney which hurt like hell. Tylenol didn't do much for that level of hurt. I have Polycistic Kidney Disease which caused my stage 5 CKD. My GP gave me generic version of Percocet for pain, but by the time I got through the office visit and the testing, the pain had diminished a lot so I never took it. Need to ask my Kidney doc if that's ok to take for that whoever I see him next. My right kidney still hurts some every day whenever I get up from a sitting position or lift something. I assume this is just the way it is and have to deal with the pain until it get's bad enough for them to remove the kidney. Not sure if or when that will ever happen.

BlackCat3491 profile image

I take Tramadol and Dihydrocodeine. I also use wheat bags which I heat in the microwave (for safety I do not use hot water bottles).

One important thing I find is to always put on pre-warmed clothes and night clothes. I pop my clothes in the tumble dryer for a few minutes before putting them on.

I also find that my pain levels are exacerbated by humidity. Once humidity gets above 85% pain levels shoot up. I have recently been having to tolerate humidity levels of 98% (in Scotland UK, would you believe!) Just watch the weather forecasts & adjust your activities for the day accordingly.

Boxster2 profile image

My nephrologist said the following: Tyl enol in reasoanble quantities is perfectly safe and an odd ibuprofen is safe "occasionally " but definitely not a daily affair accompanied with lots of water. Said tramadol is the same but can be highly addictive for some people so be concious of this as well.

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