Pain Control
I have severe hip bursitis and my doctor says I should use tylenol and ice. Otherwise I just need to live with it. Anyone have other ideas?
Pain Control
I have severe hip bursitis and my doctor says I should use tylenol and ice. Otherwise I just need to live with it. Anyone have other ideas?
In addition to icing and Tylenol can you also do physiotherapy?. It can make all the difference. Also Regularly doing stretches that the PT suggests will help you in the long run.
I started PT before the COVID shutdown. I tried to continue on my own and ended up rupturing the periformis muscle. I am 77 (stage 3a) my doctor says it will .time to heal. I am barely able to sleep at night. My doctor said it is possible that a cortisone shot would help but my nephrologist is reluctant to consider that.
I have found accupuncture to be very beneficial.
Hi Matimus,
There are medications that can be adjusted for pain and CKD. This is something I would pursue because living with pain is miserable. If this doctor does not want to support your health than find someone else. Living with pain can impact your health in other ways such as lack of sleep, increased blood pressure and general malaise. So talk again and tell the doctor that the previous answer was not sufficient.
When I was end stage CKD I was allowed to take heavy duty painkillers. I have osteoarthritis in my hips, spine and pelvis. I take. Oxycodone but it’s carefully monitored. I had a transplant 2 years ago and even the top consultant said it was fine to take.
I have been waiting for 3 years for a hip replacement. (breast cancer, radiotherapy, AKI, CKD diagnosis and finally the pandemic all contributed to my operation being continually postponed in case you're wondering at the 3 years.) I probably got CKD from anti inflammatories apparently. I'm in considerable pain, on a zimmer frame and wheelchair outdoors. I'm on paracetamol (Tylenol in the US I believe). Also been on Tramadol, which is an opiate, since my kidney problem was diagnosed with the approval of my Renal Consultant. Recently offered morphine or fentanyl patches but I think they are last resort as far as I'm concerned, so I declined and struggle on. Not sure why a steroid would be regarded as a problem. I have also been offered this. Moreover I was prescribed a high but reducing regime of steroid (prednislone) when I was diagnosed with AKI ( and consequently CKD), which got my kidneys functioning reasonably again.