What a ridiculous day. Thought maybe some of you could laugh at this too. As you know we do get edema with CKD. My PCP had me start wearing compression socks to help with edema in ankles and feet.
I was wearing a pair of my holiday compression socks with candy canes today. I've worn them and washed them and they fit fine before today. This morning I had a hard time getting them on, they were fairly tight. I've had to double my Furosemide this week up to 80 mg.
After I got home from my Dr. appt. to get the results of my arterial leg ultra sound scans, I literally could not get my compression socks off. It was hilarious and frustrating. I am not overweight; I am within normal weight and my BMI is fine so no reason I'd be too fat for holiday socks. I think they were nibbling on the candy canes all day. OMG the socks go up to just below my knees and the skin above the socks, over my knee caps and up my thigh about 4 inches was totally purple. That's a new development. Maybe tight sock syndrome, TSS, not sure, LOL.
After struggling for 15 minutes with each sock trying to roll them down, or pull them by the toes I was so frustrated and was literally going to get a pair of scissors to cut myself out of my socks. I have a feeling my kidneys were really rebelling today. My next blood test may be as bad as before. I'll find out next month.
Anyway, mission accomplished. I have escaped from my compression stockings!!!! What a crazy life it is having CKD. You have to laugh about it. What the point of life otherwise.
So, if you ever get trapped in your compression socks, just remember you are not alone. If all else fails cut them off LOL!!!! Don't worry about anything, just laugh until you get through it! BTW, don't laugh or try too hard or you'll get stomach cramps while doing it!!!
Happy holidays everyone!!!