Type 2 diabetes and now ckd. So protein and carbs are limited. But I am steadily losing weight. Wondering what your best ideas might be for gaining weight. Currently pouring olive oil over my vegetables and bread and butter with every meal. Any other great ideas I have obviously overlooked??
Weight gain?: Type 2 diabetes and now ckd... - Kidney Disease
Weight gain?

HI Mickey,Adding olive oil is great. When you have diabetes, you should try to pair protein with carbs. And since you want to gain weight, a good pairing is apple and peanut butter or any nut butter. Celery with full fat cream cheese. Cheese is a bonus calorie builder. Add it to soups and veggies. You did not say what stage you were. If your protein is limited, stay away from meat and go with protein from plants. Beans are a great source and also a good bang for the buck in calories. Refried beans are great as a veggie dip. Also there are low card wraps that you can stuff with beans, cheese, guacamole and sour cream.... oh yummy! Avocado is a fat source so add it to sandwiches. Gravies and cream sauces ( make your own so you don't get the added salt) are big pluses. High calorie and very tasty is alfredo. Cheese, cream and butter. What's not to love?
I have to laugh because I have the opposite issue and need to lose weight. As you can tell, adding calories has never been a problem for me.
Thank you Basset. Am relatively new to this and feeling my way along. Very depressing to get up every morning and be down another pound. BMI now around 22.
You always provide such good dietary advice. My hubby is also underweight and your words often come to me as I go through our fridge and pantry trying to meet his needs. Thank you!
My pleasure. I love to cook and it was a big adjustment for me to have to really limit my making as well as intake of food. Although I have lost significant weight, I struggle everyday to lose an ounce. I can fatten up the best, unfortunately and that is what happened to my hubby and I. We LOVE food. Since he is diabetic, I really had to quit baking except bread and a very limited pie. We go as natural as we can. Just did a 1/2 bushel of tomatoes into spaghetti sauce and hot salsa for him. Took three days, but well worth it.
Unfortunately cheese, cream, and butter are severely restricted, if not completely off the menu when you are diabetic. Even peanuts are limited, and only a specific type of peanut butter is permitted. Sauces and creams are a once-a-year treat for most.🙁
Is this relative to you? Because there is not a restriction for those things and I work with a CDN with my husband. Actually it is often a suggested snack for diabetic. Those things are not main meals but additions for caloric intake. The best advice is always see a registered Certified Diabetic Nutritionist. healthline.com/health/diabe...
Try whole grain, after getting the approval from your doctor. They are among the slowest digested carbs out there. And a good source of fibers. The bran contain a small amount of phosphorus but is also not much absorbable. One more reason to get approved by your doctor to make sure it's not a concern for you.
There are also many whole grain that are gluten free but I don't know them much. One of the most popular would be steel cut oats. Get them from the bulk section as they are more fresh and have a more appreciable texture. I cook that in my insta pot along with a handful of almonds, then add a drizzle of olive oil and fresh grounded pepper or else. It's delicious. (edit: along with a few serving of fruits or vegetables for a balanced meal)
Are you grossly underweight? BMI less than 13? If not putting on weight will strain on your heart and kidneys. Also eating more fat does not increase weight but you will loose more. Eating more carbs like starchy carbs like oatmeal with coconut sugar or a low GI sweetener you will gain however you should talk to your dietician or Dr if you really need to gain any weight. Ask what food you can eat or eat more of what you can eat.
Hi mickeyba1,
If you have T2 diabetes you shouldn't be having bread at every meal. Try having good carbs that are on the low glycemic index. Quinoa is a healthy carb and will help maintain or gain weight if you eat enough. Carbs are the answer to gain weight, just make sure they are healthy carbs. Not high glycemic carbs which are bad for your diabetes. Protein shakes and nutritional protein powder are another good source. If you don't have much of an appetite, try eating small meals but more often.
I'd suggest speaking with a dietician to help you work out a diet plan to increase weight which is healthy for both your diabetes and CKD. Best of luck.