This is very interesting…I have noticed that my kidney function has decreased since having significant depression for several months.
Depression Linked To Kidney Function Decline - Kidney Disease
Depression Linked To Kidney Function Decline

Hey HisLittleOne,
I can understand where that can be relevant for many people young and old. As we experience health issues in different stages of our lives and different stages of the illness it’s self there are many who take the news not too positively. I know when I heard that I had kidney failure the second time I thought to myself what happens now. Also it can be very stressful on ones family both direct and indirect the same. I know for myself my faith was one of the main reasons I got through it and also the fact that my extended family showed a ton of support for me. Yet for many this can not be the case and so I feel super fortunate about that. I always pray for those that I see on here that are dealing with kidney failure because I truly understand how frustrating and sometimes depressing it can be to continually be going to doctor visits and getting procedures done and just feeling like someone’s research project. Then there is the whole dialysis idea. So many choices with so many risk and reward ideas. So yes the mental stress that comes with the emotional and physical stress can be very overwhelming. I just hope people who are going through these ideas and times will find some sorta outlet and the ability to either talk about it to someone or able to release it in some way. I went through kidney failure when I was born and like I said just about a few years ago before getting a transplant this year and so yes I truly believe that a person who is going through a significant illness no matter how sever deals with depression on a emotional and mental basis. It just matters how they get through it and find the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes easier said then done. Like a friend once said to me when I was dealing with depression myself whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Thanks for the post and blessings. Jer. 29:11-13<><
It may be the other way around....The loss of kidney function caused your depression.... Kidney Disease is so silent that we dont realize it or feel it....we just feel the symptoms...the Kidneys slowly stop absorbing and delivering the Vital Nutrients that we need to function...Iron...Protien...Vit D...etc...which can all cause Anemia and give you the depression...
Not sure at what Stage of Kidney Decline you are at...or if you have a Nephologist...but you should definetly should speak to your Health Provider ...There are things they can give you to help....I am now on At Home Peritoneal Dialysis and I feel happier and more content than I have in 20 years...(strange I know.)....yours may not be that drastic but you are right..there is definetly a connection between Kidney Function and Depression...
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