I just got my 3 month bloodwork back...first one after dropping into 3a category kidney disease in January. My family doctor was useless and I still wouldn’t know about having kd if I didn’t check my bloodwork results online myself. For the last 2 years my gfr dropped from 85 (2019) to 54 (this past January.) For the last year I’ve asked for a referral to a nephrologist. My dr refused saying this drop was age related. After I got this last result I demanded, once again, for at least an ultrasound. I had to wait a month for an appointment but finally got one. The results showed mild kidney scaring. My dr ...still saying it was age related...after an argument with me...finally agreed to the nephrologist appointment. I must wait till July 8 th for that one, however. After asking him what I can do to be proactive and not deteriorate more he replied nothing...look above and say a few prayers? Well after reading some of your stories and advice I hired a dietician. She told me to stay away from dairy. Drink half my weight in water(ozs.) daily...to cut down on meats to 5 ozs daily, but no red meat or organ meats. No processed foods. Read labels and count phosphorus, sodium and potassium. And to try more plant based meals and walk for at least 30 minutes daily. I followed her directions and never cheated in the last 3 months. Made all my own meals...as unappetizing as some have been! Lol I’ve been a nervous wreck waiting for these results today but I was so surprised and overjoyed this evening to discover that it worked...my gfr went from 54 to 78 and my creatinine went from 99 to 72. I am surprised however, that my sodium (143 mmol/L) potassium (4.9) and chloride (105) levels have gone up, even though within normal range (high end) they are quite a bit higher than they’ve ever been in the last couple of years. The sodium result is especially surprising to me since I’ve made sure to stay away from adding any salt to any of my meals and being really careful with reading labels. Before I ate potato chips regularly, ate at restaurants a couple times weekly...added salt to my soups and dishes...absolutely didn’t control my salt intake at all before these last 3 months. Any ideas why this increase in my results could be? Anyway...other than feeling confused about this, I am happy. I’ve learned how Important diet can be and to advocate for my health! Yes...I’m looking for another family Dr! I’ve had it!
Happy with gfr going up but....: I just got... - Kidney Disease
Happy with gfr going up but....
Congratulations on the uptick in numbers. You say you are reading the labels and that's a good thing however, you still need to watch your consuming of foods that naturally contain sodium. Foods like lunch meat, tacos, cottage cheese/cheese, condiments like mustard, ketchup, canned foods, pizza, frozen dinners, sauces, and dressings. Stay hydrated with water. Do you regularly check your blood pressure at home? That is something you might ask your physician about as having high blood pressure can require you to cut down even further on the amount sodium you consume.Keep up the good work.
This is why I’m confused Mr-Kidney...yes my bp is normal I check it almost daily. I’ve cut out all dairy and eat absolutely no processed food...no condiments etc. I’m eating very plain. I’m also very confused about my chloride level going up. I’ve worked my way up in drinking at least 10 cups of tap water daily...but I put this water through a Brita system. Just thinking...I’ve lost a bit of weight...I was told to drink half of my body weight in water daily. I’m drinking a couple/three cups more daily...could that be the problem?
An increase in chloride can be an indication of dehydration. There are other causes so discuss this with your doctor. Another issue to consider is urination. With your increase in water intake are you passing out more thru more frequent urination? Are you experiencing any swelling in your legs, etc? Discuss with the doctor and follow their advice.
Best of luck.
No...no swelling. The dr said that these numbers fluctuate. They are still in normal range, though higher than usual for me, so not to worry...so we will check again in 3 months. Story of my life! Lol
You might want to use labtestsonline.org and then look up the test you have questions about. It can help ease concerns as the numbers will vary from draw to draw.
My nephrologist says that the sodium results in my renal panel data provides a measure of my fluid intake and whether its either too high or too low. So, your sodium data may be related to a hydration issue.
That is good you have dietitian to help you. Getting a different PD can be helpful and supportive, especially if other one told you to pray and infer it was all age related. Even if it were age related one has to still be proactive for health. In aging process one size does not fit all . I soon will be 80.
I wonder if there is a water softening system in your home. If so, your Brita filter will not remove sodium that these systems put in your drinking water. It would be best to drink hard water if that's the case. Anyway, this is just a thought.
Congrats on your hard work and results!
Congrats! I gave a very similar story with doctor not being interested and the diet I subsequently followed. Well done !
I don’t have any further ideas about your sodium levels . I’m not sure exactly how much water I do drink, but it’sa lot- but then I always did love drubbing water anyway . Well done on getting a nephrologist !
Congrats on your lab work! Your experience and commitment is inspiring. I’m getting my bloodwork done soon and have been on a self-imposed strict diet and am hoping for similar results. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼
So happy to hear your news, Dllfb! Ask about the water as you want to be drinking enough.
A thought -add a bit of non sodium based spices to your food such as onion, garlic powder, organic smoky paprika, pepper and even a tad of wine vinegar.
I roast veggies with a bit of olive oil non- stick spray, spices and a tad of vinegar
and even my husband loves them.
Keep up the positive. You are an inspiration to others!
So happy to hear about your good results and especially since some of these came as a result of taking good care of your diet and health. And, your funny comments about your meals made me laugh because I've been there, too. Keep up the good work and keep us informed. Its always happy to have good news.