Dear members kindly help by answering as I’m very stressed. On 30th September my GFR was 64 and dr said everything is normal except your cholesterol. So I started taking Statins as prescribed. After 15 days my GFR lowered to 54 and furthermore, now its 48. I’m visiting a nephrologist and she has prescribed me another tablet for BP as my BP was 140/95 and all it went up due to stress. I haven’t started BP meds yet anyhow. Within 2 months my GFR has decreased from 64 to 48. Can anyone plz share any experience?
Sudden decrease in GFR: Dear members kindly... - Kidney Disease
Sudden decrease in GFR

You don't say which statin you are taking but I looked up Lipitor and this is what has to say., "Lipitor can cause the breakdown of muscle tissue, which can lead to kidney failure. This happens more often in women, in older adults, or people who have kidney disease or poorly controlled hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid.".. You might want to talk to your doctor about it.
Hey Jodaer I’m taking Rosuvastatin 5mg.
My cardiologist put me on a statin too, and my GFR has not decreased. I was given BP Medicine Losartan with Potassium. My GFR went from 54 to 44. I went to a nephrologist and he said I was in acute kidney failure due to BP Medicines which caused by BP to go to low. MY BP was never a problem it was raised from white coat syndrome and the doctor telling me I was in Stage 3A kidney disease.(which at the time I was not) BUT NOW AM. They over reacted and gave me BP meds. My GFR never came back to normal it is now at 58.
As a minimum, you should complete a yellow card (or any alternative in Oz).
What is yellow card mate?
Its a record of adverse effect(s) of a drug, for MHRA here in UK (1st link below). Seems you have something else in Oz (2nd link).
Rosuvastatin 5mg
I don't have an opinion on whether or not someone else should take or not take a drug. I just quoted from It also said MIGHT, not WOULD affect your kidneys. What the statins might do is damage muscles, as our kidneys are muscles that is how they can affect them. Everything we eat or drink goes through either our kidneys or liver so it's pretty difficult to not take anything that will affect them.
Hi Fatbuddy, that is interesting about Lisinopril I take that and just lately in the last 2 years my gfr has been jumping around a little. I take 10 mg. If I might ask where you read that info? I will differently check with my Doctor. I have been taling it for at least 15 years my gfr kind of bounces between 65 and 62. Not a huge thing but it use to be in the higher 60’s. Thank you for the info. And K4kamran I really understand your stress, it stressed me too when there was a drop from 68 to 62 suddenly in between blood work 90 days. I would differently talk to your doctors. I am glad I read the post I will too. You are not alone these meds sometimes are unavoidable but the side effects are hard to deal with. Stay strong
I take rouvastin 10 mg brand name Crestor My gfr in March was 34 now last week 48?
Gets confusing PA finally told me I was Stage 3 b
Which I don’t know the difference between a& b
I think maybe the gfr goes up and down like blood pressure as example it goes up and down daily even hourly. Now mine at a 48 and very anemic and edema, scant urination the Dr says retest labs in a YEAR! This is aggravating. I understand your concerns definitely.
Chimama i am taking Crestor brand as well. Was there any changes to your BP when your GFR went down and up?
Yes it has but I’ve take Crestor for years long before the FDA approved the generic. What really gets me is that Drs do not communicate with the most important.. the patient who is supposed to be the reason for med school right? But I find out years later my kidneys are not working properly and I have chronic disease now . Why couldn’t they have told me that years ago before it got this bad . Before I ate whatever and before taking Nexium and ibuprofen all the contrasts injections for ct scans and MRIs All I know now is we the ‘ patient’ have to stay on top of our labs and learn what all the reports mean ,, really. We will probably all qualify to pass a medical school exam from doing our own research. Sorry I seem to be off topic today. I think I would check the side effects listed for the bp meds and or talk to your pharmacist if you can find one available. And I monitor my bp at home and record it. I hope you get to the reason for such a drop . Research your Dr will be surprised when you start being more proactive and start asking questions about labs . I know I wouldn’t have been referred to a renal dietitian without speaking up for myself.Hopefully I haven’t said anything wrong per forum rules if I did I’m sorry for that .
Crestor is for controlling cholesterol. I take it too, but recently my nephrologist reduced dosage from every day to 3 times a week - 5mg as my cholesterol is in good shape. I used to take 10mg/day but then lost weight by managing diet and exercise. BP medicines like Olmesartan are known to increase creatinine in blood, but they are good if you have protein in your urine. Also high BP is bad for kidneys and needs to be controlled. Start some meditation/yoga to reduce stress. But if that does not help please bring BP down using the prescription medicine. Discuss the eGFR drop with your nephrologist. By the way I am borderline stage 4. My BP is now under control but I am advised to take the olmesartan to keep protein in check. Good luck to you.
My eGFR dropped from 34 to 22 at the 3mo. lab check recently. My nephro took me off Lisinopril and replaced it with Hydralazine. BP has been running about 104/66 since the change, whereas it was usually about 130/70. No side effects. She also increased Lokelma to daily for a week then back to 3x/wk, changed Lasix from daily to every-other-day. She's repeating labs in 2 weeks to determine next steps. As has been said, we must be our own advocates...ask lots of questions, know your numbers, make necessary changes. I'm in the process of switching to mainly plant-based, but it's difficult when taking gastro issues into account. But small changes over time are better than nothing. Be prepared to do a lot of Googling to educate yourself. Good luck.
Never heard of hypercholestremia being a cause of kidney disease?? My experience has been with htn and t2d as being the cause of my ckd. BUT, I believe that prescribed meds can often suppress your gfr, my pcp seemed oblivious to this?. The major culprits seem to be nsaids, diuretics, ace inhibitors, jardiance, neomycin, and, in my case, glyxambi. So dooooresearch any meds you are taking. Lipitor previously about killed my liver.