Dear colleagues, having been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease and heart failure (although injection rate has doubled), I am trying to stay away from red meat most of time. Should I also stay away from pork (which I love)? And I don't like "fin" fish but do like shrimp. I appreciate any guidance. Cree
Seeking "meat" advice: Dear colleagues... - Kidney Disease
Seeking "meat" advice

Hi, your question isn't going to have a definitive answer. So much depends on your health situation in general and the lab numbers you've had. For example, no red meat includes most pork. Yes, there is pork that is white. I've met a few folks who have been told that a monthly small portion of white pork is okay, but most renal dietitians have their clients stay away from that. Poultry and seafood are the safer choices. Not liking "fin" type fish is leaving a lot of tasty meals off your menu. Is it the "fishy" taste that turns you off? If so there are some white fish, like roughy and sole that are extremely mild. If even that is a non-starter for you then you are left with crab and shrimp. Keep in mind that the way you prepare the meal has a lot to do with the flavor. Frying is not healthy, but grilling and baking are usually acceptable healthy options.
Speak to your RD and nephrologist and figure out a meal plan that will work for you.
Best of luck

Thank you very much, Mr_Kidney
I'm stage 4 kidney failure and 2/3 heart failure. When diagnosed with kidney failure I bought books on diet and was alarmed at the foods I could no longer eat. Then I had a call from my renal dietitian who told me to forget the books and follow his guidance because every kidney patient has different needs. So I can eat a banana(small) I can eat cheese (1"square) meat (size of pack of playing cards) and so on. He did recommend that I eat very little red meat. But what I've learned is break the rules and you suffer. They are so right in their advice and give in just this once and the kidneys let you know. So I hope you get help from a dietitian.

HI, Aidancree,
The issue with red meat is the way it breaks down in the body. It is very hard on the kidney. Pork is in that category as well, even though to some lesser degree. Each person is different so you should really speak with a dietician who can tell you whether some pork is ok. One suggestion, if you like sausage, try a well made low fat chicken sausage. I am talking about from a butcher shop and not frozen, because those are horrible for you.
The more you get away from a food the less you want it. I used to LOVE prime rib. It was my go to when dinning out. I stopped eating all red meat in 1986, for personal and health reasons. Now I look at steak or prime rib and I get nauseous.
Thanks Bassetmommer, I would like to get that way. I wish I like fin fish better. That's a good idea about "chicken sausage." Will investigate and see if I can find a local butcher.