Hi a little bit of advice please . What inflammatory drugs should I not be taken with stage 3a ckd, can I take Bhutan’s 5 patches I take them for rheumatoid arthritis are these ok or should I stay away from them ?
Inflammatory drugs ...: Hi a little bit of... - Kidney Disease
Inflammatory drugs ...

Hi Vonnie,
No one on this site can prescribe any thing for you. Each of us is different and what works and is ok for one, may not be for another. Please check with your doctor. Even supplements and vitamins can cause issues for people with CKD, so be safe and ask the doctor you see who knows your medical history. NSAIDs are very bad for kidneys in most cases.

I am not familiar with Bhutan's 5 patches, but you need to check with your nephrologist. I know you are not to take NSAIDS which includes ibuprophen, Advil, Aleve, etc. I have arthritis in my knees and can only take Tylenol. Always ask and check with your nephrologist before taking anything - even over the counter supplements, herbs, etc.
I’m not under them yet I’m early stages but I don’t fancy wrecking my kidneys more it’s a butan patch it’s got a tiny bit of morphine and some innflamorty agents.. it’s for my rheumatoid...I do also know no one can mess with people drugs. Just getting a feel if any of you people are on these drugs are they saf... just trying to take care of myself a little here.. thanks for the reply.
Hi Vonnie
As Bassetmommer said none of us are doctors and tell you exactly what can and can't be taken, but when I was first diagnosed one of the first things I was told was do not ever take anti-inflammatory medication on even the creams or patches as very damaging to the kidneys.
I know this is probably not what you wanted to hear, but I use natural remedies which have natural anti-inflammatory properties. I use Apple cider vinegar with honey and hot water and also add turmeric to a lot of my foods and also tried turemic tea. I have checked both these are ok with my doctor.
There are some foods and drinks which are known to cause inflammation to be worse so maybe you could look at your diet too, or ask to see a dietician that is aware of good renal diet too.
Take care
Charlene my diets hasn’t changed I think it’s the patch .
Sorry i didn't explain the diet think probably. I meant some foods have anti-inflammatory properties and some cause inflammation to be worse. I wasn't suggesting that your diet had caused the flare up just maybe there are things that could help with your current flare up.
Good luck in getting the support you need
Acetaminophen should not be taken in doses greater than 4000 milligrams per day because of the risk of liver injury. Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's) such as ibuprofen, naproxen, Advil, Motrin and Aleve should not be taken by people with chronic kidney disease (CKD).Mar 11, 2013--National Kidney Foundation
lowraind so is butan patches >acetaminophen I’m confused now sorry?
I'm confused whether aspirin is in the NSAID category....
I've just recently been diagnosed and haven't seen a nephrologist yet, and I'm not sure if this is a result of CKD or something else, but I can't take ANYTHING. I break out in hives, or get Restless leg syndrome so bad I can't sleep. So all I can take is my BP pill, water pill, and my probiotic. I had spinal surgery last spring and it really caused my GFR to sink from 56 to 50 due to all the opiods they prescribed for pain. Now they say I need more surgery for more bad discs....I'm not going to do it. I'll just bear the pain. I even got registered for medical marijuana to manage the disc pain, but I broke out in one huge hive that drove me crazy for 4 days. They say the pill contains coconut oil... I don't know but I have a hundred dollars worth of CBD I can't use.