How is everyone adapting to grocery shopping during this Pandemic? Any challenges I should be aware of as a health coach for people experiencing kidney disease?
Grocery shopping during a Pandemic - Kidney Disease
Grocery shopping during a Pandemic

Mainly order groceries and necessities on stores web site, and pick up at the grocery store. Can also use delivery as an option.

Go to the grocery store every week and a half to two weeks about 8 am and find produce fresh among other things on our list.
We hand sanitize in the car and put gloves on. Use provided disinfectant spray on cart, handles and seat.
Shop as quickly as possible avoiding people.
Pay with a credit card which is sanitized as well as hands after removal of gloves.
Spray clothes with Lysol. ( and shoes and under) and wash hands. Wipe pocketbook.
Groceries wiped down with soap and hot water before putting them away; then wash hands.
So far it is okay.
Key is in and out, avoid clutter and sanitize.
Thank you for the tips on staying healthy and protecting from exposure! I will be sharing those tips with our members.
No thanks ever needed. I work off a list and discard it when I leave the store.
Another thing that I do is call the produce dept when they open and ask them to cut peppers and onions so when I get there, they have them ready.
Before I cook, those products are scalded in hot water.
Love to hear about your work! Your clients are lucky to have you!
Do not wash fruit or vegetables with soapy water or use sanitisor. This is harmful to humans. Soap is harmful to eat, so much for the mouth being washed out as punishment! Use water only to wash food and cook where possible.
Hi Cheyne,
Local grocery store put in new policy today according to state guidelines as my bro just got home.
Lines are on the ground six feet apart outside the store with a carriage at each. An associate is outside with a clicker; when a customer comes out, they let one in, where paper towels and disinfectant greet you as you enter.
He found a huge difference as it eliminated excess people in the aisles, made shopping more expedient and check out as well, with taped lines on the floor between customers.
As far as myself, we now pay with a credit card and budget in our checking account as cards can be sterilized in the car.
As far as myself and my husband, Lol..Grocery packages are wiped down; bottles, cans, jars, anything in plastic and cardboard boxes on those items we may use a soapy paper towel and make sure that no residue is left before putting them in cupboards. Cellophane the same before placing them in the fridge. All contents are covered.
When I go to cook my vegetables, I remove the cellophane and scale the contents with hot water, then cook them in water the microwave for at least 40 minutes as we like them soft.
I don't use wipes on them as they are scarce.
I agree with Jayhawker..
Wash, wash and sanitize hands!
We have to look out for each other in these uncertain times.
Everyone, please stay safe!
I have been using fruit wash on all my produce and fruits for a long time. It gets rid of all kinds of things including pesticides. I have found fruit wash at Trader Joe’s, Sprouts, Kroger and other big supermarkets.

HI Arlerpolack,
I n my area, the Instacart, curb side and delivery, got so overwhelmed that now it was shut down. Yesterday I could not order. The last time I did, I got most of what I ordered, but the veggies were terrible. I have always washed all my veggies before I eat them, especially the lettuce. I am using more frozen veggies right now than usual
I had to go to the store myself yesterday. I was in and out quickly. I put everything in the cart, she rang them up and I put them pack in the cart. Did not bag them. Wiped down the cart handle and every handle I had to touch in the store and used sanitizer after. Wiped down the products I bought and sanitized before I put them in the car. Wash my hands when I got home, put the groceries away, washed my hands again, put clothes in wash, washed my hands and was done. Took shower.
I feel sorry for the people who are in the store working. Some people were oblivious to what was going on. They pulled up a van of old people to shop. This epidemic is not going to go away with people who are not being careful.
I saw something the other day that makes sense and I agree. I think they need to close the grocery stores for one day a week, like Sunday. Give the workers a break and take time to really restock and sanitize. Growing up, ALL the stores were closed on Sunday and we survived.
Hi Bassetmommer,
At least you are in and out and home safely. My husband and I go in as I prefer to select my own produce. ( one of the perks of having him home)
We take the Lysol can to shoes, and underneath them as well as clothes before we enter the apartment and wash hands asap, even though we wear gloves and get the jeans and sweatshirts washed.
I am disgusted with the rude people or those who are either oblivious by choice, chose not to take rules seriously suggestions as how to respect themselves and others
or are not given written directions from even the transport companies.
This has been a big issue @HDepot via my bro who works for them ; they have plexiglass cones, tape and all wear gloves and still have issues. Managers and associates are keystones cops who put up with way too much sass.
I know that the governors of our state and next to us are working together as far as setting rules and limits. They have plain clothed personnel inspecting and shut down 2 HDepot stores and severely fined them. One in our state and the other next door( 25 minutes from here)
So I was delighted to hear of the implementation of state regulations in grocery stores.
Our area are hiring additional workers and closing by 8pm to re-stock so if you go early in the morning you are likely to find what you need. I believe the Stop and Shop chain has said possibly 50,000 additional workers in MA, RI, CT and NY.
This is a good thing as it is giving some of these poor souls who have lost their jobs a chance to work.
I remember the days before blue laws when Sunday did not have open stores.
I always thank anyone in a grocery store for helping me as I see their risks.
I agree that this will not go away and may spread without education and respect.
Politely looking out for yourself and others.
Take Care!

Grocery stores here are sanitizing their shopping carts. They also have special hours for seniors and those with preexisting health conditions...7:00 - 9:00 am. Stores are opening at 7:00 so everything has been newly sanitized
The positive part, produce just came off the truck, can find toilet paper and flour & yeast. Win, win.....ha, ha
There are very few people shopping so no problem with distancing
I wash my hands, wash my hands and then wash them again.
I heard a doctor say to be a "hand washing Natzi".
Our Wal-Mart here has a special time for seniors or other at-risk ---6-7AM only on Tuesdays. Seriously? Anything is better than nothing. Sams is everyday 7-9. I'm still checking at Krogers but we haven't been out of the house for 2 weeks except 1 appointment they didn't set up for telehealth. Even all packages are dropped off at street. We have a large weather resistant place for these with a sign. That way they don't even come into the yard which is fenced off.
I know, I think it is really funny that they have special hours for seniors and they are like 6:00 or 7:00 am?#$% Don't they realize that when you are retired you don't have to get up early. Retired - you don't have to go to work. Oh well, I should just be happy they are making special hours for us and hope some can take advantage.
Stay safe!
Same here, WYOAnne.
We wash when we get in and after all food has been stored.
Even in the apt..wash, wash.
I bought some Aveeno hand cream which we both use at bed time which has helped with the dry hands.
Please take care. In my thoughts.
Here we have rally hard water and WY, even in winter, is very dry. So, I have an over abundance of "dry skin cracks". I use Aveeno too and Duluth Trading has a fantastic "Crack cream"
Take care, & stay safe!
I have a caregiver who shops for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't get sick.
I would have to take public transportation to get groceries and no one here is practicing social isolation. You simply can't get delivery here. The grocery stores have stopped it.
The mayor gave a stern warning last week but has taken no extra measures.
As people can be asymptomatic with this illness - everyone should be wearing masks. I don't know why the government doesn't get that. You can make your own mask with an old shirt and a needle and thread if you have to.

I wrote a blog post on this topic if anyone cares to read it healthbuddydotblog.wordpres...
I love how personable this is (and ORGANIZED)! Seems like you've been doing this for a while, would love to have you engage on our new (it's pretty small right now) "It's Time Texas" hub. I bet some people could learn some things from you. Thank you for your input