I have stage 3 kidney disease and wonder if I’m in the higher risk category for the Corona virus ? I don’t even know what Stage 3 kidney disease is I’ve never even seen a Doctor! Any and all advise would be welcome.
Stage 3 kidney disease and the Coronavirus - Kidney Disease
Stage 3 kidney disease and the Coronavirus
Hi and welcome. I've included a link to help you understand the stages of CKD. You should make an appointment to see a nephrologist. Another site for you to explore at this time is kidneyschool.org They have education modules that will explain what you need to know about CKD. Use them to develop questions to ask your nephrologist about. Once you see the nephrologist ask for a referral to meet with a Renal Dietitian. Bring copies of as many of your previous lab tests as you have and together you can develop a kidney-friendly meal plan to help you slow the progression of CKD. Ask your primary physician for an exercise regimen that would be beneficial and helpful for you to begin.
If you smoke, stop, and if you drink, cut way back if not out altogether. Until you meet with the RD avoid red meats, processed foods, and excessive sodium. One question for the nephrologist is what caused this for you. The two leading causes of CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure. If you have either of those two conditions it will be imperative that you get them under control.
When you meet with the nephrologist have a current medication list and provide all of your doctors with updated lists at each appointment.
You'll find a lot of knowledgeable folks here who can offer you advice, just ask. Best of luck.
Mr. Kidney, you are a real gem.