Hi can anyone advise me just got told I have chronic kidney disease stage 3 what can I do to help I am waiting for letter from renal hospital appointment and if anyone can give me information on this so I can understand what it means for my body and how I feel
Stage 3: Hi can anyone advise me just got... - Kidney Disease
Stage 3

Hi, I Googled CKD3 and an excellent site came up . Lots to read. If I remember name or find it again - I'll put the info in another reply.
Reply page 2
I just Googled and got another site and read:
" how to reverse Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 . . . "
It says about diet - watching calories; cutting down on Phosphorus; monitoring Potassium levels etc.
Worth a read?
You could ask your GP to refer you to a Dietician, or do you think you have to wait to see the Nephrologist first?
Did you find out when you will be getting your appointment?
Thank you Mary your so helpful and caring I wonder does anyone know of something I can take to stop me sleeping
I am so sorry, I don't. Is there any point in speaking to your GP about all the hours you sleep? I can't remember- did you have any nutrients levels tested and Full Blood Count? (I'll have a quick look back through your previous posts & results).
I'm hesitant to suggest having a proper coffee in the morning if there's something you need to do - because I don't know enough about kidney disease. But it's what I do sometimes, though usually drink decaf tea and coffee at home.
I wonder if your GP could arrange for you to see the Dietician while you are waiting to see the Kidney Specialiast. You seem to be waiting an awfully long time.
Hello again Marcelle,
I've read through all your posts.
How are you feeling now?
Are you still being sick and not able to eat properly?
Has your GP prescribed anything yet? When did you last see him?
Have you considered phoning 111 or the Out-of-hours GP?
What is your situation (you don't need to answer) what I mean is - do you have domestic commitments that would prevent you from going to A&E?
I think if I was having the symptoms you've mentioned then I would call my GP out.
I noticed that you access your results on line, so when you feel up to it could you post these:
Thyroid Antibodies;
Liver; Bone;
Urea & Electroytes.
Having said that, it is medical care that you need and you need it now.
Being told to wait for a letter is really not acceptable in my opinion.
So, you could try 111 for advice now (we don't have it here).
Then call your GP in the morning.

I was diagnosed at stage 3 CKD over 2 years ago. With diet, prescribed supplements (D3 and Omega 3 in my case) and prescribed exercise routine , the eGfr tests show progression has slowed down.
Side effects of CKD. Guess depends on individual cases but notice lack of energy/ fatigue, and other side effects which might depend on my age and other medical factors. ( I am 76).
This forum will be a good support group for CKD.
i was diagnosed with stage 3 in 2009 it really hasn't changed much. Nephrologist always says it is stable. I don't feel bad and have no symptoms. I just turned 69.
Thank you so much for your reply and advice
7 February
There's a post by brandie 27 entitled "Concerned daughter " with a reply by Ladybug 05 that I think you may be interested in reading.
It was posted about 19 - 20 hours ago.
Thank you Mary
Got another letter for another scan will let you know when I know what they are for
How are you feeling today