The LOVE of my life found out today that he is Stage 3, CKD and WE are trying to understand how to manage this "type" of news with me relocating out of state and him looking for employment sooner than later we I now live. For the past few hours I have been typing like crazy to find out EVERYTHING my little eyes can read. He has a f/up on Thurs and I plan to attend his MD appt. #allnervesrightnow
My Love has Stg 3, CKD: The LOVE of my life... - Kidney Disease
My Love has Stg 3, CKD

Good for you for being part of his advocacy. First of all, Stage 3 CKD is totally manageable. There are many of us who have stage 3 or 4 and are living full and wonderful lives. You have a lot going on. Stress can impact your health as well as his so I am glad you came to us for help. We are a great community for support.
Stage 3 can be maintained with a good renal diet and a healthy lifestyle. The goal at stage 3 is to maintain the remaining function of the kidneys, which is totally doable. Since there are many factors about what types and causes of CKD, I hesitate to say anything more.
If he is going to relocate then see about getting a nephrologist where you will be living.
As you probably have seen, there is a lot of information out there on CKD. Some of it is confusing and not always accurate. The best thing about this site is it is information from patients who walk the walk. Once you have seen the doctor, and get all the information on your partners situation, we can help with information and questions.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.
I want to totally thank you for your support and being a part of his support system is what I want; however, right now I feel that he may be trying to push me away from hurt emotions as he as an appointment for "confirmed" information. He is the type of person that would rather handle things alone, which I keep telling him he is not alone in is matter and I willing to walk each step with him.
Again, thank you for suck kind and supportive works.
Continue your positive journey and I will be watching you and many others about being a support system and how to manage day-to-day from others.
Happy Sunday!
While I agree that there are many of us who walk-the walk on this site, there are still a variety of opinions about what is best. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to talk to a physician (nephrologist if possible), do your research, and make your own decisions about what you believe is helpful. My belief is that stage 3 can not only be maintained, but also improved. Also, gfr does fluctuate.
Greetings, Thank You!
He (WE) have an appointment on Thursday and I am trying to be his "best" cheerleader, right now mentally he is in a sadden "space" and living in 2 different states is making things a little challenging. Right now, I just want to learn as much as can for not only him, but me as well... So that if I can get him to relocate, I will be better educated as the do's and dont's as to be a better support system. I have read/researched a lot and trying to get him to understand that "WE" can manage this, we just have to know what/where the barriers are for him to "maintain" without a fast or slow progression.
Thank you for your input and support in reference fluctuating GFR's.
How old is the love of your life? I’ve had stage 3 since I was in my 40s. 76 now, so as you can see it’s not necessarily that bad. My biggest problem is not being able to take NSAIDS and I do have arthritis, but other than watching what I eat and pills I take it has not affected my active life at all
Greetings, thank you Gmagolf... wonderful words that you have shared. My love one is 49 and I am trying to stay positive as he is trying to get over the "hump" of news. We have attended our first Internal Med and waiting for testing and since he has high blood pressure, I am said I will "almost" eat as he does so that he wont fell left out. Your words are encouraging! Sooo thank you for share with me (us :-))

Hi there,
I am also stage 3 and can vouch (though I have known my CKD diagnosis for over a decade) that I live a full life as a full-time employee, mom of 3, and wife. I can imagine how overwhelming new news like that is. My advice is to stick to NKF's trusted website ( of researched and verified information, rather than consuming anything out there that you can find via a search and may conflict with other information.
This is a group that will always be willing to try and offer advice based on our experiences, but it is great that your dear one has a physician. It's great that you are going to be present for an appointment. Write down your questions ahead of time and don't feel afraid to write/record answers and make sure you walk out of the appointment armed with information to help move you forward. The physician will want to know about any medications already being taken, but I would ask if there are any he would recommend, along with seeing a nutritionist to get on a diet that is healthy for the kidney. Remember, we want to help them out as much as possible, so putting foods and liquids into our bodies that will not cause additional exertion is the goal! Of course, with any new diagnosis or change, there is some uncertainty and as you surely know, no one can change any lifestyle completely overnight - so giving yourselves grace is really important!
Keep bringing your questions and concerns here when you'd like to bounce ideas around!
You are awesome! I had so many questions when we attended the appointment, I think I took over some questions and responses.... ONLY because I wanted to know and he wont say much, "that type of guy" syndrome and I wanted to ensure WE both are on the same path. I have tried to keep my eyes on "true" websites and thank you for added what you have provided as well. After our appointment, he wanted some fries... I didn't want to say no; however, I expressed that this should be your "freebie" until next month. Shopping mostly for him so he starts to feel more comfortable and I will be returning back to my home state next week and I am a little concern that he may start to have "down days" and I want to stay engaged the best I can. I have been furloughed and I don't want that type of burden on him as well. I am just trying to make sure he is in a good space and strong with knowledge. Totally thank you cmaxwell78, thank you for supportive stance as being this a "place for all". I am trying to get him to read with me; however, he doesn't see if as beneficial, but I will continually be here for extended support.
You're so welcome. Give your loved one time. These are deep waters and he needs to learn how to walk in them. It takes time. Thinking of you both today and sending positive thoughts!
cmaxwell78, I am truly to shed one tear, but I held it in... THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts, its nice to hear thank and we appreciate that. Understanding that this walk is slow and we all manage differently. Breathing....
Positive thoughts in return! Happy Tuesday
when I learned I was in stage 3 with a GFR of 33 my mind went ballistic thinking I was heading for dialysis I went into a depression for 3 months then saw a nephrologist and was told to eat very little sodium ,,, all canned goods and all processed meat are full of sodium and I never use the salt shaker anymore- if I order fries at a restaurant I ask for no salt ( that way they are always cooked fresh ) very little red meat mostly chicken and fish... drink lots of water and eat more fruits and vegetables especially strawberries,raspberries,blueberries and blackberries ...rice is better than potatoes but I still eat maybe a half a potato with my meal and watch bananas because of the potassium it all relates to blood values ..I am very fortunate as I have no symptoms ..good luck
Hi mingle, that is pretty much was E. he was just in a panic mode. I tried to encourage him daily. He doesn't right and blows me to the side. I believe I am more furious at him for not eating right and items to eat. I try to encourage all the berries and cherries. He has become a nice rice eater and I try to share with him EVERYTHING thing that I think can be helpful. I want to thank you for sharing your story with me, I am learning from each and every one of you. Keep doing what you do mingle
Happy Friday!1
join natural kidney journey on facebook...i have been able to raise my gfr from 26 to 41 in less than a month...that was my situation it is different for everyone...this fb group is dedicated to changing your diet...supporting your goals and so much is admin by a couple where the wife was able to get her husband off of dialysis...she raised his gfr from 3 to 39-41...he has been off dialysises for over 14 months...there is another person on site that achieved that same numerous others who have raised their gfr significantly by diet and determination... here is the link... tps:// answer the 3 questions when you click on the site to join or you will automatically be deleted...
Sharonlyn, thank you for sharing. CONGRATS!! For the improvement, you're sounding great. I'll definitely share all that you've shared with me.
Have an awesome Saturday!
join the group...i have not regretted it and neither will you...i will do anything to keep from going on dialysis...i have been a vegan for 3 years but the way of eating in that group is vegan...but so much more...a lil more is based on how your labs look ....but i am enjoying it...thank have a great day...