My creatinine was 1.05 and egfr 88 GP ordered ultrasound. It shows kidneys are perfectly fine in all ways but I have fatty liver grade 1. I know no diognose here. But is there still chance of having ckd 2? I have little foamy urine and puffy eyes in morning. No damage in kidneys. Is it possible that ckd 2 effect not visible on ultrasound?
My Ultrasound Report: My creatinine was 1.0... - Kidney Disease
My Ultrasound Report

One test does not a diagnosis make, however, based on the results you posted you should ask your physician questions on his/her thoughts on your liver and how that if it continues, will impact your overall health. For example are you a heavy drinker or overweight? This may be a cause of your liver issues and you'll need guidance and a plan to deal with that. Not dealing with it will eventually have a negative impact on your kidneys.
Without knowing your age and other health issues and other numbers your kidneys may be okay but additional labs will be needed to see where you are. Remember, each lab is only a snapshot of where you are. It will take several draws to determine if your GFR is lower or was it a one-off due to dehydration, getting over a cold, even something connected to the use of supplements or medications/dosages you are taking. Try to remain calm with the CKD until your next draw and concentrate your questions on the liver concerns. I've included an article on fatty-liver issues and it may help you develop questions for you to ask the physician about. Best of luck.

Thanks Mr. Kidney for prompt response. I never drink and am slim. My age is 43 and male. No diabetes or bp. Yes, I am gonna see my GP today. I will try my best to get rid of fatty liver first.
Hi there, Groupmate. Glad to hear that your kidneys are doing fine. I’m not quite sure how the fatty liver could be happening though. I have a sister who was diagnosed with a fatty liver just before this past Christmas, but she is slightly overweight, takes medication to control her high blood pressure, and is a type 2 diabetic, much like me. She began feeling pains in her right side, after meals usually, that often times became very bothersome to her. So her PCP had tests performed, and fatty liver was the culprit. Also, my sister is 55 years of age, and only has the odd drink on special occasions. I’m puzzled as to how a person as young as 43, with no real cause for an issue like fatty liver, could be suffering from it. Has your doctor provided you with any kind of explanation as to why this could have happened, especially considering your health background? I would love to know. Please do keep us posted on any progress you make. I do hope that this gets resolved soon. God bless. 😊👍
Hi Sammy, thanks for your wishes. My GP said it is grade one which is very common and veins are ok so nothing to worry. Good thing is it is reversible. He suggested some diet plan and 30 minute brisk walk, yoga and some herbal medicine which is very much helpful in fatty liver. I also wonder there is no reason to have it. But I am trying my best to reverse it ASAP.
Hey Groupmate! Glad to hear that! I didn’t know that herbal medicines and exercise is helpful. I’m not sure that my sister is aware of that either. My sister is in a wheelchair, pretty much from when she was a child, due to some birth defects, but she has managed before, to get her exercise in. She has a lot of upper arm strength, so her doctors have often suggested just wheeling herself around to add a little more exercise into her routine, instead of relying on just her normal daily routine. Could I ask you, if you don’t mind, what herbal medicines are helpful with fatty liver? Perhaps I could pass that on to her. I’m not sure what grade she is. She didn’t ever mention the details to me. In fact, she almost seemed to brush it off a little. Maybe there’s something I don’t know, but she didn’t appear very concerned. I do know though, that she was having pains on her right side at one time. Even over Christmas, she was complaining about it, somewhat. Do you also get any pain with yours, if you don’t mind my asking? Thanks for sharing. God bless. 😊👍
Hi, am feeling sorry for her condition. Which country she is living in? I am taking Indian ayurvedic (herbal) medicine. It is from renowned organization ( I am not promoting them or taking any responsibility of product. As you have asked, am sharing product link for your further research.
Thank you so much for the link. I’m going to look into it myself as well, but I will send it to her so she can also view it. And I appreciate your thoughtfulness. She’s appears to be doing well, but I’m sure the regimen of good diet and exercise you follow will also be helpful, even if she doesn’t choose to take herbal medicine. My mom, years ago, took some herbal medicine for her heart condition. Before she did that, doctors had told her she wouldn’t survive 2 years because they said her heart was too weak from scar tissue left by numerous heart attacks from previous years. After she took herbal remedies, she lived another 17 years! People don’t give herbal remedies enough credit sometimes! Thanks again for the link. All the best to you! 😊👍